Returning to The Hayling View and its overdue administration as I tackled a stack of paperwork and rested from the hard physical work I had been undertaking in Horning. Struggle to get to the various offices for my building society and post office transactions but I also made it and renewed my motor insurance.
The small chance to play tennis with Debbie again drawn and plan a new kitchen for the Harnser boathouse with Diana. I had some fun at bedtime as she had been struggling with the girl’s behaviour in my absence.
The Hayling View had been kept going with Diana, Daniel and the gardener doing the chores between them but I had returned to a stack of paperwork. I was also tired and groggy after all of the hard physical work in Horning and so it was a while before I got down to it. Then the struggle to get my building society and post office transaction ready in time to arrive with them before their lunch-time close but I just did it; making the insurance brokers as well to renew my motor insurance. Home to lunch and then the chance to play Debbie at tennis on the game’s lawn. It had been rainy with showers for most of the day until then and it only held off for a little while so that we did not get much of a game even then. We were pleased to see Daniel at home and, him having taken Angela off to the station to go home for the day, he was able to see his friends and enjoyed their company.
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I just kept on working at all the things that I had to do which made a formidable list. There were several voluntary matters that also needed attending to, amongst which was an invitation to remain Vice Chairman of the Village Hall Committee which I declined. I also spent some time awith Diana looking at the Hygena Kitchen ranges and she was warming to the task and very much liked the prospect of planning the new boat-house. We agreed to go out in the morning to MFI to see them first hand and get a configuration planned and priced up. No rest this evening and, when Diana came in with my bed-time drink, I just left the work as it was and turned in with her. Being some time away from home, I had some fun with her before we went to sleep, and I am sure that there is a lot of truth in the old adage "Absence makes the heart grow fonder". Both girls are a bit of a hand-full at the moment and driving their mother mad when I am not there to keep them apart. Debbie had enjoyed her week at Paxton Lakes and was looking very wind-tanned with her light-brown hair quite blonde.