After a hot and humid night which prevented Diana and I from sleeping well, I rushed over to Norwich and back for electrical parts and to Beardshaws for more nuts and washers before I was just on time to take Della to see a doctor for her ear ache before we set off for Yarmouth, mooring for the night at Stokesby
It remained hot and humid all night, depriving Diana, and I of much sleep. I was awake early but then fell to sleep again until I awoke with a start, the time having passed on. To Heronshaw for breakfast with Steve; taking him up some milk and tea-bags to use. We chatted about heavy weather cruising until it was time to go out and meet Dave and Ray and then I got them all started for the day. We had intended Di taking the girls to the Horning Leisure Centre swimming but Della had her ear trouble again and so I made an appointment for her with a Doctor's surgery in Hoveton for later in the morning.
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A rush to get over to Norwich and back for electrical parts and to Beardshaw for more nuts and washers before I was just on time to take Della. She was prescribed some ear-drops and we made an appointment for her to be seen again in ten days' time. This afternoon, I was continually fielding questions and queries from both carpenter and electrician, but I did get time to paint some more panels and I think that I have chosen one shade of chestnut brown for the boat-house now. Then to pay off the remaining three of them for their work at the end of week three. Next week should see some roof sections being put in place which should look more dramatic.
A mad scramble to get the boat ready and away for the weekend with me getting a little upset with the crew and vice-versa! We missed not having Daniel but soon Debbie cheered up and took the helm to give me the chance to get on with the rest of the boat work. A very pleasant trip on a warm evening until I eventually moored up with some skill at the Stokesby Public Quay. The girls to play in the playground, Diana to clear up the boat and then, after adjusting the ropes and erecting the canopy, I retired to the saloon to type in these last two days’ journal into my portable computer.