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I joined Diana for her planned trip to Cambridge, driving via Vinters to collect the Heronshaw deeds and chat to the planner. Then coffee with just Diana's Mum as her father was invigilating for the university exams before some underwear shopping for Di and lunch at the Arts Theatre. A rest before getting the swimming pool working again and then some time with Nigel accepting his collection.
I slept well and was reluctant to wake when called with my morning tea. Diana had planned a trip to Cambridge and, as I had first been away in Norfolk and then Scotland, I decided to join her, and we drove in via Vinters to collect the Heronshaw deeds and chat to the planner. It seems that we are at last getting something towards our way over the planning agreement and will soon have all the outstanding issues resolved. Then coffee with Diana's Mum by arrangement but her father was invigilating for the university exams and so could not come.
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After a fruitless fishing session at The White Loch, we met up with Liz and Duncan from Fountain Forestry and then set off home from Caithness to Cambridgeshire, arriving ten hours later after the 600 mile journey. We had started our journey in fine and sunny weather and ended it in the aftermath of a severe thunderstorm.
I was awake at 5.30am, still marvelling at the length of the early summer daylight hours up in the far north of Scotland. We had opted to eat breakfast first and then go quite early up to the White Loch to see if the trout were rising. We left a note on the entrance gate for Liz Kensington (the District Manager for Fountain Forestry who I was expecting to meet there) to say that we were down at the loch and to meet us there. No luck for us as the trout were not rising and we did not have time to wait for them to do so, but Liz came with Duncan, the forester who looks after our plantation, and we covered all of the important topics; fertilisation, pest control, sporting management and other things.
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