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My last morning session moving mud and then, after checking put the Paxton Princess, I drove home to Little Paxton to join Debbie and Della on the games lawn for some tennis practice. I also picked the first of the ripe bananas from the conservatory and ate a couple
I treated myself to a bit of a lay in this morning and turned over at 6.30am for another hour's sleep as I could not go on getting up so early. Breakfast of both cereal and toast and then out to begin the days' toil. I just opted for some work clearing the mud from the vicinity of the mooring frontage and packed up by around 11.00am for my coffee as the rain started to fall for once. The cricket test match on the TV occupied my time for longer than it should and then I ate an early lunch to make best use of the time.
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The Fishing Season starts for me at Heronshaw between earth-moving sessions as an historic agreement between Yeltzin and Bush reduces the I.C.B.M's of both super-powers by a massive two-thirds
I had left my curtains open and was awake around 5.00am with the sun bright and the weather fine. I dressed quickly, made a cup of tea, and then went down to start fishing. It was not long before I managed to catch a couple of fish on bread paste but then the breeze got up and I went inside for a wash, shave and some breakfast. Back to the earth again. I was grading the foundation for the new boat-shed and levelled the ground at fifteen inches below the tops of the foundation piles and that process took most of the morning and afternoon. A trip to Wroxham for supplies and some seafood for tea and then more shovelling and fishing this evening.
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Doing chores at home in a more relaxed mood as the girls had finished their exams and placing my Jewson’s timber order and then setting off to Norfolk as Di hosted the entire Little Paxton Brownie Pack for a swimming party. Moving earth upon arrival and preparing fishing tackle for the start of the season
It was nice today to think that the girls had no more examinations today and so we could relax as we sent them off to school. I spent a little time with them as I was due to be away for a few days and would not be seeing them. This morning, I tried to get all the outstanding paperwork out of the way and the main task was to send the regret letters to the timber merchants that were unsuccessful and the order to Jewsons, confirming the terms of the purchase. I then rushed into St Neots to have morning coffee with Diana who was in the middle of some shopping after which I got some urgently needed stationery items from Clover Office Supplies.
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