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A family day at home in the sunshine hosting plenty of visitors at The Hayling View whilst archiving my journal and watching televised football. Giving Debbie some tennis practice in the evening
Diana let us all in having a lay in this morning and, by the time I was showered and dressed and had my breakfast, it was after 9.30am. My morning chores took rather a long time as I not only fed the doves, fish and watered the plants but also went around the house undoing all of the French Windows for the start of what I guessed would be a very warm day. As the day went on, there were more and more visitors. Daniel's friend Gary came to see him and then Steven and Jason and, for Debbie and Della, Amy and Catherine Law were next to arrive, followed by their parents!
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A gloriously sunny day for both Debbie's Sports Day and Little Paxton School Fete when I met up with Nigel who was adding a huge garage and snooker room to Hail Weston House. I held a BBQ afterwards and invited Amy and her mum, Pat Law, to join the family with. Angela, Gary and Daniel.I also phoned Mum on her birthday.
Another glorious sunny day today which was fortunate for both the Kimbolton School Sports Day and Little Paxton School Fete. We were slow to rise and get ready and then let Debbie get off to school on her bus when we realised that the events started quite early. The chores hastily done and then all off to Kimbolton where we were in good time to see Debbie run in her 100m race. Even though she did come last, it was brave of her to volunteer and try.
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Collecting Mum from Stanton on another hot day and bringing her to Paxton for her birthday and visit to Dad’s grave in the cemetery as Daniel and Angela also visits. A lovely time with the family on the Hayling View games lawn. Also finding time to place the Corsican Pine order from Jewson for large logs for Harnser construction
This was the day that I had been planning for some time that involved bringing Mum over to Paxton from Stanton for a birthday visit. As this was to be after lunch, there was time this morning for me to do some chores and for Diana to go shopping. Most important, however, was for me to progress the timber quotations and place the order which needed to be ready for the start of work in a little over two weeks' time. In the end, Jewson’s came up with some good quality home-grown Corsican pine in large logs for the bigger sections at £300 per cubic metre planed and treated and gave me a further two-and-a-half percent discount on the rest of the order and so I placed the full order with them.
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After sleeping well from earth moving and relief from thoughts of the girl in the white dress, we did manage a good working session but then got tired and weary in the hot sun and opted to rest.
A good meeting with the electrician about organising separate power for the new Harnser and then lunch at McDonalds on the way home during which the US visiting wartime bomber caused huge traffic congestion. Arrangements to see Mum in the morning and help Debbie with her Maths revision before an early night
I slept very well after my exertions during yesterday and indiscretions in the evening, and was awake by 6.00am though rather groggy. I was first to stagger out and get the drinks and breakfast and then Steve was quickest to get working whilst I phoned home for news about Debbie's exams. A good working session before the electricity installation man arrived by appointment at 10.00am to discuss how a separate service could be provided for the new boatshed. He had a remarkable instrument that could locate the cables under the ground, and we agreed a strategy for making a connection so that he could go away and quote us for it. The idea is that they issue us with the materials, we dig the trench and then they come and make the final connection by arrangement.
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