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From Paxton to Norfolk for a couple of days making calls and visits to organise the planning, materials and first phase of the foundation for the new Harnser boatshed which involved liaison with my solicitors, Jewsons, Bearshaws and contractor Amis.
By the end of the day, laying soft sand and fitting vermin mesh, awaiting the arrival of paving stones. Phoned home to find Debbie on her own with Di taking Della to the Brownies. She was using the time alone to bake some shortbread!
I said goodbye to my daughters this morning as they went off to school as I was going to be away for a couple of days again. I had time first to make a few telephone calls to organise some new savings certificates and the encashment of some older ones and also instructed my solicitors to forgo the quest for temporary planning permission and to agree on the latest draft for the Heronshaw Planning Agreement which gives us just about all of the things that we are looking for. Morning coffee and then, as I started to pack up ready to leave, Diana had a visitor and so we were both delayed a little. Some time with the gardener and then off at 11.15am.
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Celebrating this newly-featured event with my girls receiving huge cards, badges and some fudge they had made after a non-friend breakfast and hearing that there would be no help from Steve as he was having to stay with Mary who seems to have some breast cancer lumps.
A day watching England lose a closely fought match of Test Cricket on the TV punctuated by a social lunch with Di's parents who came over for a fine meal of beef. I then enjoyed some quite warm and sunny weather on the games lawn helping the girls to play tennis.
Violent mistrust and tension between the ANC and Zulus, in South Africa made worse by a trigger-happy white police force and at home John Major taking over the Presidency of the EEC and trying unsuccessfully to head off central integration of Maastricht by enlargement
I was not to spend much time on my forthcoming building project today: The only thing I could do there was to try to recruit the help of Steven for this week's site work and then I drew a blank as he was having to stay with Mary who seems to have some breast cancer lumps. The day started with what has become the normal breakfast for us - just cereal, as I am no longer allowed a fried meal - and then the chores took most of the morning as I gave the swimming pool a good clean. However, today was "Father's Day", a growing occasion in the spirit of Mothers Day, for cards and celebration and the girls gave me huge cards, badges and then treated me to some fudge they had made especially for the occasion (though eating most of it themselves).
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A sunny and windy day at home after gales the day before as Steven took Christine’s boat around the coast and I fretted over the demise of my father due to the incompetence and lack of care of the Bury St Edmunds consultant.
More burdensome paperwork and then to spend time with the girls playing tennis and practicing their catching and, for Della, bike-riding as well.
I was awake very early having gone to sleep thinking of last night's film and then waking up fretting about my father's death from cancer. It was some time since I had thought about how that consultant had acted too slowly when Dad was an outpatient at Bury St Edmunds, then let him have a whole course of radiation treatment without being monitored as he deteriorated so that when he had his next ear operation it was already too late as the cancer had spread. I also dwell on the fact that the consultant went off to South Africa on a symposium at a critical time leaving nobody who felt able to make decisions on dad whilst he was away.
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Back at home for a day of catching up on paperwork, recovering from tiredness and time with the family and watching cricket. Investigating supplies of building supplies as Di went shopping in Bedford and Daniel and Angela arriving home for a good chat and meal.
Then with the family off to The Kimbolton dentist with variable results and with Diana to The Cromwell Cinema in Huntingdon to see "Medicine Man".
News that the Paxton Peacock had been captured and turned over to the Wood Green Animal Shelter and so is definitely lost!
As always on my return from Norfolk, I have to combine the process of catching up on paperwork with recovering from rather too much physical exertion and this time was no exception. After seeing the girls off to school, I was anxious to deal with the task of getting prices on the nails and studs that were needed and this task led to me being in touch with a range of hardware suppliers including my friend Derek Giles of Sandy, whose prices turned out to be in excess of the others. With Diana shopping in Bedford all day, I had to make my own lunch and so prepared a kipper in the microwave and made some salad to go with it.
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