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Steve joining me for the slow trip to Heronshaw with the trailer, stopping off at Jewson’s to negotiate timber prices. Upon arrival moving many tons of dredged mud around after the dredging in 90min spells until Daniel and Angela arrived after completing their exams. Arranging the work with carpenter David and the barge with Sonny Amis and dining at the Wroxham Bridge Hotel
I was up early and got my packing done and the Range Rover and trailer ready to leave by 7.30am as arranged with Steve but it was after 8.00am by the time that he arrived, telling of a plumbing leak that had developed in the night at his house. We had a pleasant-enough journey, but the trailer was a bit of a limitation on speed and kept us down to around 65mph for safety. On the way, I had called one of the timber bidders to get them to quote for some more items and we called in later on Jewsons and I went over the cost comparison and they agreed to improve their prices to nearly match the others. They also said that they would be competitive on all of the things that we should need - meeting the other prices if necessary.
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Accompanying Di to Cambridge and giving up on finding jeans to fit before lunch at the Arts Theatre Restaurant . Then home to chase timber quotes for the building of Harnser before playing tennis and teaching Della to cycle on the games lawn
I opted to accompany Diana on her regular trip to Cambridge today, even though we would not be meeting her parents as her mother was away in Spain. We tried a different place for coffee in the sales room of a department store which had attractions for Diana (being close to her shopping) but was a bit uninspiring for me. I had put on my sports jacket and trousers and it was rapidly becoming too warm for me to cope with. I gave up trying to get any jeans to fit me after I walked all of the way over to the Grafton Centre to no avail and then met up with Diana again rather late for lunch at the Arts Theatre Restaurant. Rather grumpily home, hoping to find my timber quotations had arrived by fax but, there being no response, I had to go round and chase them all again.
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An organising day, planning various matters and then getting new tyres for the trailer and more competitive quotes for Range Rover servicing and repairs. Clearing The Hayling View gutters last thing. Helping Debbie with her Chemistry revision and realising that Daniel was taking his last exams the next day.
I had compiled my action list in advance and, after breakfast, embarked upon a host of telephone calls on matters ranging from the boat-shed, Range Rover service, trailer maintenance and all else. After lunch, I then drove the trailer over to St Neots get new tyres fitted and then on to Offord Motors for an estimate for the car repairs. It seems that I can more than halve the Marshall's repair costs and will almost certainly give a local garage the chance.
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Spending time catching up with my daughters, with Debbie improving her Maths and teaching Della to ride her bike and paperwork getting quotations for the new boat house. I arranged for Steven Bloom to come to see the carpenter with me in Norfolk next weekend and will get Mum for a trip to see Dad's grave at the cemetery.
After my time away, there was lots of paperwork to catch up with and I also tried to spend some time with Debbie and Della. I was most of the day on the former and got through quite a bit of work getting quotations for the new boat-house and also had to do all of the chores, it being the weekend without the gardener, and this took me up to lunch. Diana had prepared and cooked a very nice roast chicken and then I watched a little bit of the cricket Test Match before taking Della out to learn to ride her bike. I had mowed the games lawn and this provided a good surface for the cycle lesson.
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