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On a slightly less cold day with a slight drizzle, yesterday, I walked Sam and then finished fitting out the storage ‘larder’ before Daniel visited to work on his boat.
We sat and chatted a while about Angela and then I sorted him out a piece of teak for his boat and the necessary tools to cut, shape, dowel, glue and fix it to fill a section that the previous owner had cut in his transom. John Major is in the U.S. meeting new President Clinton against the background of a number of embarrassments.
I retired after midnight which becomes a habit up here but slept well and was woken by my "Teasmade" before 7.00am. Walked the dog early and then returned to tackle one of the lawns before Daniel arrived. This was the strip by the boat-dyke which I had to clear of scrub, rake and level and then seed for the coming season for the lawn to grow. I had finished this, cleared up and was resting with my morning coffee when Daniel arrived. We sat and chatted a while and then I sorted him out a piece of teak for his boat and the necessary tools to cut, shape, dowel, glue and fix it to fill a section that the previous owner had cut in his transom. This done, we fed and exercised Sam and then drove into Wroxham for lunch at the cafe and then ordered the necessary parts from Norfolk Marine to make a new steering system.
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On a cold and frosty day, and after an unsettled night, I tended to Sam and then tidied up the Harnser gardens before phone and organising things such that I had the right materials to fit out the larder as an excellent storage place.
Whilst walking Sam around Crabbetts Marsh this evening I was fascinated to see how the backwaters were thick with small fish, crammed into there to avoid the level of salt in the main stream.
An earlier start after an unsettled night and out at 7.30am to walk the dog. His diet has got out of kilter again after I had increased his rations to a cup-and-two-thirds for each of three meals a day. I had to reduce it to a cup-and-a-half as he had got the runs again! Otherwise, he behaved well and was obedient and patient in the car for a longish trip to Norwich. I tackled the grounds again, tidying up the front of Harnser, until it was time to phone a range of people about our planning problem and then to organise the fitting out of our larder. I was shopping for the better part of the morning and put more money into the Abbey National at Diana's request amongst other things.
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After tending to Sam, liaising with Di and the gardener before seeing the girls off to school, the making drive to Horning for a meeting with Andrew Hind of Ekins to discuss changing my NNDC planning conditions.
The evening walking Sam, planning to fit spare units in my Harnser ‘larder’ and making calls home to Di and then to arrange working visits for Daniel and Steve later in the week.
I arranged to get up even earlier than usual, having also packed up most of my things the night before. Time to load much of the gear on to the Range Rover before breakfast so that I could go out and start to disinfect the kennel before the girls set off for the school bus. I walked Sam with the girls and was pleased to see that they were both quite happy and relaxed this morning for once. Even though the other children were shivering without coats and looking thoroughly miserable, our girls were warm in theirs and happy and I was glad. Half an hour to finish getting ready and then I set off before 9.00am and the arrival of the gardener.
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This was another dry but chilly day but good for dog-walking, during which time Sam made progress and did well. I took Diana and the girls with Sam shopping to Peterborough before Daniel left after lunch suffering from a very late night out roller-skating with his friends but met no girls.
I had to get myself up this morning and then get out with the dog whilst Diana had a lay in. It was another dry but chilly day but good for dog-walking. Sam stayed under close control without the lead again first thing but was more playful and independent later, although Debbie managed to control him on her own for another unscheduled walk as well. He was better behaved this morning than other more mature dogs that we met on the walk. His main problem was picking up and eating dog faeces - a disgusting habit that leads to the conclusion that he cannot be getting enough nourishment; but then other factors suggest otherwise. I took Diana and the girls with Sam to Peterborough before lunch to get a sack each of pigeon and fish food.
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