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After getting Della safely off to school, and liaising with gardener Bill, I made the journey back to Norfolk and settled Sam into his kennel there as I carried on clearing the Heronshaw gardens and stacking the fence panels and timber out of the way.
There was a fine mist in the air today which made you wet even though it was not raining, but our new Harnser was dry and comfortable and a joy to come back to
Della was up very late again last night but went to school alright this morning. I was awake early and did some clothes and food packing before breakfast that let me get away soon afterwards. Time for a chat to Bill who was a bit alarmed by the wildfowl blood down by the river; thinking it might have come from a human body that had an accident! The journey to Norfolk went without incident and Sam proved his worth in travelling well. he took a time to settle into his other kennel, but that may have been because I gave him quite short shrift, preferring to get cracking with the job of clearing the Heronshaw gardens and stacking the fence panels and timber out of the way. There was a fine mist in the air today which made you wet even though it was not raining, but our new Harnser was dry and comfortable and a joy to come back to.

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Up earlier than the family on a much milder day than the recent wind and cold, taking Sam for the first of three walks after he had messed his run and, later, himself as well; tracking grey squirrel as well as even more muntjac deer.
With my new air rifle, making an impression on the local starling population and allowing the smaller and shyer birds to come to the bird table. Della seemed much more relaxed today
I had to get myself up this morning as the family were having a lay in and then took the dog out for a walk. I was only a few minutes later than usual attending to him but this was enough for him to have done his business in his run and start whining. This was a pity as he had been able to keep his run clear for three days until then. A long walk with the dog and spotted a grey squirrel as well as even more muntjac deer tracks than normal. The much milder weather seems to have got the animal kingdom moving again.
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A good morning walk with Sam, following to heel and then with Diana to The Happy Eater for lunch and then to watch some televised Rugby as a break.
Kippers for tea and then over to Nigel for an evening playing on his new snooker table after accepting a drink and signing his Firearm Certificate photograph application. Home quite late but still sat up and read the opening chapters of Nigel's new book on deer stalking in The Highlands.
Della was ill with a cold and could not join me as usual for Sam's Saturday morning walk and so I had my breakfast and then took him on my own. He learnt to walk much better on the lead today and so will almost walk to heel without it which is a big improvement. Took Diana and the girls to The Happy Eater for lunch but had to chase up the supervisor to get served properly. Poor Di is suffering from Diarrhoea at the moment and can spend up to an hour in the toilet at a time! Most of today spent on my paperwork, but I did sit down and watch the TV Rugby International between Wales and England.
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Despite an unsettled night, Della survived her school test and nerves as Di took off to Bedford and I stayed at home just in case. Nigel came over late to see me and forgot the things ge needed signed and Della arrived back with Katie Hitchen having survived her day.
A poor evening with Di, having to walk out of watching the film ‘Reservoir Dogs’ as being too violent. The weather has turned cold again, and the local authority gritting lorries were out in force in the expectation of a severe frost.
I was involved in several things today, but proceedings were dominated by Della's antics over a school exam on the E.E.C. She was even later to bed than usual last night and then hardly slept so that, by this morning, she was all washed up and refusing even to have breakfast. I managed to bring her round, coaxing her to eat and then walking Sam with her and Debbie to the bus stop and feared the worst. Diana was off shopping to Bedford but I stayed in, apart from walking the dog, so as to be available in case we got the dreaded call from the school but she managed.
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