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I managed a shopping trip into Norwich with Diana and the girls before and after settling Sam down as he gradually got used to his dietary regime and Horning kennel. Also setting mole traps for Doris next door and buying binoculars from Norfolk Marine. A fine if dull day but not too chilly
Better luck with Sam this morning. He had only done a little mess in his kennel and so I was concluding that he could soon have a larger measure of food at meal-times if he continues to digest it properly. He was naughty later, rushing up on a little girl and her father when off the lead at lunchtime and then wandering forward in the car when left in Wroxham. I had taken him out to Horning Upper Street again this morning but kept him on the lead so as not to run-in on the field of geese. He was then left in the kennel whilst I took Diana and the girls to Norwich for some shopping but seemed quite frantic when we got back, and I assumed that Jack had come by and he was not able to relax again.
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On an unexpectedly dry day, out with Sam to St Bennett’s Abbey for a long walk, and then time resurfacing the garden with reclaimed gravel before the family join Daniel and I in Horning.
We played a family game of Scrabble and I read my mail from home including the letter from my solicitors to the council about the prospect of appealing against their Harnser planning conditions.
A slightly better day, the drizzle failing to put in an appearance and the temperature being not too cold to get outside and get on. I was up a little earlier than usual so as to get ahead of Sam. Breakfast in bed, a wash and shave and then I took him out in the Range Rover, feeling that he had been getting bored with the same walks every day. I ended up at the St Bennetts end of the village, the other side of the church, where I could take him for a new, long walk down to where the Suffolk Water intake extracts water from The Bure. The only problem he had was running in at a field full of greylag geese but was quite obedient apart from that.
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On a dry but colder day, organising the garden until Daniel arrived in Horning, after which we drained his speedboat and towed it into the garage for it to be cleaned and have its steering repaired.
Unfortunately, he has fallen out with his girlfriend Angela. I resumed work on the garden and with training a difficult Sam later
Very tired after the last couple of energetic days when, I not only had Sam to cope with, but also had a lot of physical work moving things around in the garden. I continued this morning until Daniel arrived, raking over the newly cleared area and barrowing more gravel to make a tidier surface. Dan eventually got here soon after 11.00am, a bit dubious about starting work in the cold but we soon got down to tackling his speedboat.
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Settling Sam into Horning and combining free ranging sessions with time under close control. Then to Stalham for an abortive journey to collect a replacement stair banister ‘ball’ before back to Wroxham for food shopping.
Then enjoying fresh herrings after undertaking more ground clearance before a phone catch up with Di and Della later.
Sam was slow to settle last night but then slept through the night quite satisfactorily, waking a little early to mess in his run before I could get to him. It was another damp and misty day, with a light drizzle drifting around in the air and wetting everything all day. I took Sam for a controlled walk by the marina this morning; let him have a free-ranging run on the Crabbett's Marsh saw-dust road at lunchtime and then a lead-controlled pavement walk this evening.
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