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Sam made some real progress today, walking to heel for Della and I, but an awful misunderstanding with Debbie over her return from school put us back after I struggled to find enough time with Derek laying out the FOCUS adverts.
Watching TV Rugby Union between Scotland and Wales and then taking Di to Peterborough to see the poignant Robert Redford film, "A River Runs Through It" which we thoroughly enjoyed. Della has slept well this last couple of nights
This was a day when Sam made some real progress. I took him and Della along to the bus stop this morning to see Debbie off to school and, not only did he sit there next to Della and let her stroke him, he also walked fine with her alongside so that in the end she was leading him along. Later, I tried him off of the lead entirely and made him walk to heel and it worked! Sam is now becoming controllable rather than running up to people and other dogs and this comes as a great relief. We had an awful problem with Debbie at lunchtime. We all got into the car and drove over to collect her from Kimbolton School to give us plenty of time for lunch before Sam needed another run. However, she forgot all about it and so, after chasing the school bus all the way back home, we met her outside our house with an hour wasted!
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A depressing day after a bout of drinking whisky the night before and the need to take a nervous Della to the bus stop and walk Sam rather than lay out FOCUS adverts. Daniel confirms his break up with Angela and the economic situation appears hopeless with more and more people unemployed.
Mayhem in the former Yugoslavia and another overloaded ferry Neptune sinks off Tahiti drowning many hundreds of people
I had stayed out quite late and drunk quite a lot of whisky last night and, whether this as the reason or not, I was very tired today and quite depressed. Della had another worrying tantrum before going to school and, whilst I went to the bus stop with her and reassured her, I really wish she were settled and happy. She is still plucking out eye lashes, even though she is doing her best to stop, and finds this a compulsive habit. She did bring a school friend home for tea and a play this evening. Jemma Del Pozzo is a nice feminine girl and a joy to have. I took Sam for long walks today as I could not face the task of working on the advertisement layouts for the Liberal Democrat FOCUS's. In consequence I became even more tired.
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Reviewing property purchase opportunities with Mary Bloom and making choices and reviewing results. Cleaning the Range Rover, working, walking the dog and snooker this evening with Nigel.
I contacted both Vinters and Ekins about the problems with Harnser planning conditions and will meet Andrew Hind in Horning on Monday
A more interesting day of better news and progress than yesterday. I was called late and struggled to get ready for breakfast and then out to see the dog, but I managed and then walked the girls to the bus stop. They both seem very happy at the moment. A little time in the office talking to property agents on the telephone until Mary Bloom arrived with details of all of the local properties that she had been reviewing for me. Then some time discussing these and cruising around by motor car, viewing some, and calling on more agents until we had a coffee and snack for lunch to discuss the results.
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Shrove Wednesday- A dull but mild day, catching up with my LibDem friends and agreeing to lay out the FOCUS advertisement sheet and also arranging to see Nigel tomorrow after giving him an update on my arrangements for the Scottish trip.
I managed to break Derek’s cement mixer today and bought replacement boots after my recently purchased pair had sprung a leak! Della and Debbie seemed to go happily to school today which was a relief.
Up early but this time I was awoken by Diana and was ready for breakfast with the family before having to go out for the dog. I then heard from Sally who had been deputed the task of asking me to lay out the FOCUS advertisement sheet and, sure enough, round came Derek this evening with the information and a whole load of work for me to do! I am trying to get him interested in some shooting, fishing and stalking. I also heard from Nigel this evening and arranged to see him tomorrow after giving him an update on my arrangements for the Scottish trip.
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