A walk and some great retrieves for Sam between showers on the Winterton sand dunes in the sunshine and showers
A walk and some great retrieves for Sam between showers on the Winterton sand dunes in the sunshine and showers

 A quieter start to the day before lunch at Wroxham Barns and some time for the girls on their traditional fairground equipment as Diana and I looked around the craft shops.

Then a walk and some great retrieves for Sam between showers on the Winterton sand dunes in the sunshine and showers.

John Major in trouble for calling three of his Cabinet Ministers "bastards injecting poison" in recorded private conversations

Sam was awake early and messing his run again which was another disappointment. A long run around the marshes and then into the village for milk and "The Independent". The papers there are full of the problems of John Major. Back for a latish breakfast with the family and then I was relaxing reading the newspaper when Diana had a go at me for not planning an outing for the day.

** "Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

I had to explain that I was intending to clear up all of the timber with Daniel and she agreed with that in the end and, after I telephoned and booked lunch at The Tearoom at Wroxham Barns, we drove over there for a nice lunch of roast beef. We were dodging between showers which were quite squally at times but, during the sunny intervals, the girls enjoyed some time on the traditional fairground equipment whilst Diana and I looked around the craft shops.

Daniel enjoyed the lunch with us and then left to go back home in Paxton for a few days. Back to get changed and then we opted for a trip to Winterton. Arrived at the onset of another shower and took afternoon drinks at that point and then used the time until a storm broke to enjoy the beach. Debbie and Della made sandcastles and we took Sam for a walk along the beach and then back across the extensive sand-dunes where he made some spectacular retrieves down banks and up hillocks.

Just back to the car and fed Sam in time before the downpour and then drove back looking for somewhere to eat; eventually arriving at The Swan which has been re-organised to provide a better family eating place. This evening trying some fishing before my journal, bath and then to watch the recording of The Hockenheim Grand Prix.

Diana seemed more relaxed this evening and planning more walks for later in the week. John Major in trouble for calling three of his Cabinet Ministers "bastards injecting poison" in private conversations unfortunately recorded by accident.