Visiting Cambridge to meet Di’s parents on another bright and sunny but very cold day and shopping for hats and a scarf for me as well as a pair of Zeiss 8x56 binoculars.
Some time on the mail and updating my journal and then I watched the Norwich City beat Bayern Munich in the football match on TV.
It was another bright and sunny day but very cold at each end of it. I wrapped up well to go out with the dog this morning and took him around the gravel pits. Interesting to see the spiralling clouds of steam wherever he had been to the toilet! A letter of thanks from Jim Bird on my return, still delighted to have been invited along to Scotland with Ben and promising help with Sam's training. Not much time to rest as I had to go straight off to Cambridge with Diana to go shopping and meet her parents.
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The road from St Neots provided it normal range of road-works and accident blockages but I made a diversion along the back-roads and kept us on schedule for coffee with Charles and Norma. Some shopping after for hats and a scarf for me as I am always losing them and then we divided forces. I was off looking for a dehumidifier but could not find one that I wanted but did make a return visit to an optical shop and decided to buy a Zeiss 8x56 pair of binoculars. These were second-hand and just £595 but with lens covers and rigid box in very good condition and as-new so represented good value compared with the new price of over £1,000.
The same make and type as those used by Chris Ross, they give the maximum magnification convenient for free-hand holding, the widest object lenses for light gathering and ease of spotting and optics so good that constant focus adjustment is not necessary. They will be well-used and are in good hands. Met up with Diana for lunch and drove home in time for her keep fit and for me to receive delivery of my Rolls Royce. The Corniche had been in the showrooms of Lancasters in Northampton since early summer as I was hoping for a sale but, though it attracted plenty of interest, no buyer could be found and it had to come home.
I ejected Daniel's M.G. from the inner garage and put the Rolls to rest there protected by the dehumidifier. Some time on the mail and updating my journal and then I watched the Norwich City beat Bayern Munich in the football match on TV.