A cold and miserable day of work at home and some dog-training, teaching Sam multiple retrieves.
Diana had to collect Della from school early to see the doctor about an infection and Debbie needed collection so that she could go and help at Little Paxton school for her community service session.
The bad news today was of a fascist party victory in a local election in the Millwall Ward of Tower Hamlets which had the rival Labour Party and Liberal Democrats recriminating about racism.
The weather continued cold and miserable and all day there was fine rain in the air until it turned into a downpour by the evening. A couple of good walks with Sam, who can now mark and retrieve three dummies in any required order when thrown. I did not test his willingness to enter the river on such a miserable day. The girls were off to school in better time this morning after nearly missing the bus yesterday. Then Diana had to collect Della from school early to see the doctor about an infection and today it was Debbie that needed collection so that she could go and help at Little Paxton school for her community service session.
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I spent my time today first preparing some paperwork so that I could send Diana of with my transactions as she was going into town. Then a struggle re-waxing my Barbour jacket ready for my forthcoming shooting trip to Scotland. Once Sam has had two walks and I have done the gardener's chores whilst he is on holiday, this does not exactly leave a lot of time for anything else. Diana was late back for lunch and then I was trapped inside for much of the rest of the day working at my desk. I decided that we should stick to London for our anniversary stay in a hotel and that I should take the girls to Norfolk with me this weekend. The bad news today was of a fascist party victory in a local election in the Millwall Ward of Tower Hamlets for Derek Beackon which had the rival Labour Party and Liberal Democrats recriminating about racism.