After a quiet night at Burgh St Peter Marina, up early with Sam for a long walk on a day that was cool early on for a change but then reverted to another hot and muggy day with the barometer rising again after the storms such that August started promising to be as warm as July.

Off to Beccles, after which a cruise on The Jolley along the water front so as to eventually moor at Church Walk, near the town centre.

After the cruise back via the swimming pool, Diana and I embarked upon a long walk across Beccles Marshes which exhausted us but kept Sam well exercised.

The evening ended with the daylight at 9.00pm which was a sign that the summer is passed its peak

It was a quiet enough night at Burgh St Peter Marina and an early awakening with Diana up and about keen to go. Out with Sam for a long walk; first quartering him across the harvested pea field and then walking him along the ridge which I am sure must have been a cliff top in ancient times.

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His hunting was well forward again and barely under control and I have much work to do. The weather was cool early on for a change but then reverted to another hot and muggy day with the barometer rising again after the storms and August promising to be as warm as July.

Diana did her morning shopping and then took the girls over to the swimming pool whilst I planned my boat's electrical system. It is difficult to both balance the battery drain between engine alternators and also screen the electrically-noisy equipment from the more sensitive electronics and radios.

Whilst all this was happening, Sam was staked out on the grass and was in the midst of a three man gardening and groundskeeping purge with mowers, trucks and strimmers bussing all around him! Then lunch on the boat of a large tin of red salmon and salad for me and junk food for Diana and the girls.

After this, a cruise on The Jolley along the water front so as to eventually moor at Church Walk, much nearer the town centre for us without all of the walking. The end of the afternoon shopping and then some crude tea at The Harvest Bakery whose staff were more interested in packing up at 4.40pm than serving their customers.

After the cruise back via the swimming pool, Diana and I embarked upon a long walk across Beccles Marshes which exhausted us but kept Sam well exercised. Back via the playground where Debbie and Della were enjoying time together; climbing and testing out circuits of activity which we felt was better than watching TV. The evening ended with the daylight at 9.00pm which was a sign that the summer is passed its peak.