The Norwich City Library fire
The Norwich City Library fire

The weather was hot and humid again as we cruised down the Waveney with the canopy up though open at the back and sides to provide shade from the sun but still let the cooling breeze in. Thus from Beccles to moor at Oulton Broad after which Diana and I walked the hour to Lowestoft. Here to enjoy a nice plate of seafood and sight of the beach and bathing beauties.

Once back to The Wherry Hotel for a nice carvery dinner with which we drank rather too much wine. I made the most of Di’s state once back on the boat by enjoying her thoroughly for my satisfaction.

The news for the last three days has been of the Norwich City Library fire in which most of the historical collection of books, plates, maps and photographic history of Norwich and Norfolk has been lost

By now a routine to get up and out with Sam in the morning whilst Diana and the girls finish their toilette and get the boat ready for breakfast. Soon we were already to leave with Diana opting against waiting to use the marina laundry to save time.

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The weather was hot and humid again as we cruised down the Waveney with the canopy up though open at the back and sides to provide shade from the sun but still let the cooling breeze in. It was a long cruise which we then broke by stopping off at Burgh St Peter for a pump out of our two toilet tanks.

It was as well that we did for the owners of another motorboat returned our mast, sail and spars from our sailing dinghy that had fallen off some way upstream after Debbie failed to stow them properly! The cruise on to Oulton Broad Yacht Station where we found the moorings very congested and had to moor third from the quay in a raft.

Sam was very good and kept mostly to our boat and I took him and the family off by Jolley to the landing stage for an outing. The girls stayed at Nicholas Everett Park but Diana and I walked the hour to Lowestoft, stopping at the park cafe on the way for refreshment. It was still very hot at the seaside, but I enjoyed a plate of seafood and a look at the harbour activity not to mention the beach and bathing beauties.

Once back Di got the girls some tea whilst I walked Sam and then I took her across to The Wherry Hotel for a nice carvery dinner with which we drank rather too much wine. I made the most of her state once back on the boat by shagging her thoroughly for my satisfaction, but the night was so warm and muggy, and so we had great trouble getting off to sleep.

The news for the last three days has been of the Norwich City Library fire in which most of the historical collection of books, plates, maps and photographic history of Norwich and Norfolk has been lost. Even the most valuable archives, protected from fire in the basement vault, were damaged by water in a monumental act of poor planning and organisation. The latest building alterations broke up the segmentation of the stock and allowed a huge fire to take hold in the open plan interior