Worrying rows with Diana after I taken up the morning drinks to find her cold and upsetting and refusing my hospitality. Then the drive over to Reepham to see the culmination of the hard work of our old friend "Sam" Weller at his new museum.

The range and depth of ephemera and shop equipment and merchandise was a pleasure to see Later, I researched my latest problem by calling the Hinchingbrooke Clinic and getting a shock.

I was tired enough to sleep all right but was restless and woke early. Feeling in need of some company and wanting to plan the day before the girls got up, I made some tea for me and a coffee for Di and took them up.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Her response was cold and upsetting, complaining that I woken her up and refusing my hospitality. I confined myself to taking Sam out as at least he is always pleased to see me and appreciates my attentions. I walked past John Gedge again on his ancient, combined harvester working frantically on his harvest with rain forecast for the day. A woman, probably his wife, was driving the tractors and trailers. I had breakfast and then I drove off in a huff; ostensibly to do some chores in Norwich, leaving the family behind.

In fact, I was needing to resolve this medical problem that Wiggly had handed me and I stopped off and used my mobile telephone to call Hinchingbrooke Clinic.

****** Sections have been censored for reasons of privacy for five further years from this date ******

My situation is bad enough, but the above analysis is even worse for Wiggly and I am determined to try and get her cured and clear as she is so young and has her life before her. God only knows what happens during pregnancy etc. I left her to make the appointment.

I then called Diana when I had calmed down and went back to collect her and the girls. Sam was already in the back as we went on a series of expeditions. First to buy more Repnor Gold for him and then oil and fuel filters galore for the boat at Norwich ending up with lunch at McDonalds.

Then the drive over to Reepham to see the culmination of the hard work of our old friend "Sam" Weller at his new museum. The range and depth of ephemera and shop equipment and merchandise was a pleasure to see and not just for us as there were other visitors there too.

It was Sam's day off and he was not there so we just left a message for him and hurried off to Cromer where we saw "Getting Father" at the cinema after a poor meal at a nearby cafe. The film was good and my dog Sam had been as good as gold all day, laying under tables and sleeping in his car box at other times.

At least we fed and exercised him well in between times. Home in mid evening and sat until well after midnight updating my journal for this past few days events which have been quite something.