Eynesbury on the eve of its by-election poll
Eynesbury on the eve of its by-election poll

Frantic remedial preparations on the Eve of Eynesbury By-election Poll, putting together teams of volunteers into a team but leaving until the next day the setting up the polling day computers and committee room.

A full day of frenetic activity in preparation for tomorrow which had to be co-ordinated with walking Sam and other chores.

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I had to spend time with the gardener and handyman who, like the cleaner, needed to be paid in cash after our weeks of absence. My main problem was the lack of planning for polling day.

Sally had just about put together teams of tellers for the three polling stations, but the committee room needed staffing and there were few knockers up committed. Even the "Please Vote Today" leaflets had not been printed and we were lacking lists of who would be prepared to deliver them early the following morning.

In the end, I got Sally and Sandy over to my office to help Wiggly and I get a handle on all of these things and, by the end of the day, we just about had things organised even if we had to leave it until tomorrow to set up the polling day computers and committee room.

Good news as Wiggly's sister, Joanne, arrived later to help. Poor Sam was getting the "bum's rush" again today as I had to get Daniel to walk and feed him for me.