The Forss House Hotel in Caithness
The Forss House Hotel in Caithness

My long 13hour journey from Paxton to The Forss House Hotel in Caithness stopping for a nice breakfast at my normal Washington watering hole.

After being welcomed by Ian McGregor, taking Di and Sam on the walk along the River Forss which she enjoyed before returning to enjoy a typically-fine meal. T

he daylight hours being very much longer here at this time of year with dawn before 4.00am and dusk after 11.00pm!

The long journey to the North of Scotland for which we arranged to get up very early and start out at 4.00am. The first 200 miles was undergone in three hours before we stopped for a nice breakfast at my normal Washington watering hole.

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Each session then shorter than the last but nice breaks at the coastal resort east of Edinburgh where Sam and Di enjoyed their run across the mud flats! The entire journey of 630 miles was finished by about 5.00pm, a total of 13 hours but less than ten of these were spent motoring.

I introduced Di to Ian McGregor and then took her and Sam on the walk along the River Forss which she enjoyed. The weather in Caithness had been warm and fine for three weeks and the rain, in which we set off, had gone so that we could enjoy a fine and warm evening. It seemed quite strange to get this weather here but then I had not been up this late in May before.

The daylight hours are very much longer here at this time of year with dawn before 4.00am and dusk after 11.00pm! We got back, washed and changed so as to enjoy a typically-fine meal in The Forss House Hotel restaurant. Diana was most impressed! Chats with all of the hotel staff and some of the guests as well before to bed later than we intended. The guests were a typical combination of affected upper-class show-offs, Dounreay managers and tourists.