Norfolk to Paxton and more time with Wiggly and I took Sam for a good run around the Crabbet’s Marsh Road and then we left for Winterton and watched the sea before getting some refreshments and setting off home.

After such a dream night, we spent the first part of the day packing up. We had a look up in the old Heronshaw building and brought out the oak gate-leg table and packed it as Wiggly had a good use for it.

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I took Sam for a good run around the Crabbett's Marsh Road and then we left for Winterton where Sam ran free on the dunes for a while and then Wiggly and I sat and watched the sea before getting some refreshments and setting off home.

Another stop at our regular place and run for Sam and then I dropped off Wiggly and we said our good-byes before I came on home in late afternoon in time for tea. Poor Diana had a tummy bug yesterday and Della the same thing today but they were all right for tea.

We had this meal, as is our custom on Sundays, around the TV in the lounge as I caught up on the day's sport's news. The rest of the day walking and feeding Sam and then updating these last two days' journal before taking a bath and turning into bed for an early night after my lost sleep last night.