Chancellor Ken Clarke later in life
Chancellor Ken Clarke later in life

Working at home, ordering shirts from Garstang’s, shopping for pet foods in Peterborugh and then enjoying lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken for an indulgent change.

Then home to watch TV sport and finalise tomorrow's arrangements with Nigel and Wiggly. Chancellor Clarke announced a 0.4% increase in interest rates today in the face of hostility

I was very tired when woken with my morning tea, even though I had slept quite well, and could have done with a few hours more sleep.

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To breakfast in my dressing gown and then washed and dressed afterwards. Modest walk with Sam and disappointed to see the latest barriers to Little Meadow as the Scout interests had topped all three rails of the field fence with barbed wire.

Back to find an envelope from Garstangs with the new shirt patterns and then a long while with Diana having an inquest on the fate of my last ones. Two had shrivelled up and two more become covered in fluffy balls.

Time therefore on the telephone with Garstangs talking materials and with Diana ensuring we could care for them all right before I could get measured for a new order for four. Out then with Diana to Pet City at Peterborough for two sacks of Repnor Gold and three of Dove Mix to keep us well-supplied for the foreseeable future.

Lunch at Kentucky Fried Chicken for an indulgent change then home. Short run with Sam and then practice with Sam dropping to shot. Before and after tea archiving my June journal and then taking a break to watch Spurs vs. Southampton live on satellite TV with Spurs losing the match due to an appalling refereeing decision that sent off a key defender and awarded a penalty for an innocuous tackle that was outside the penalty box anyway!

Better viewing afterwards as I watched our recording of the Italian Grand Prix which took place at Monza on Sunday. With the Ferraris very competitive and taking the two front places on the grid for fastest practice times, much was expected of the home team. 

Shumacher's Benneton being grounded with a two race penalty, Williams driver Daimon Hill looked to pick up points and won the race but only after the Ferraris lost their good lead due to pit-stop engine and transmission failures.

Chancellor Clarke announced a 0.4% increase in interest rates today in the face of hostility and surprise at his justification given. Nobody but the government believes that the economy is growing that fast that inflation is a problem and the suspicion is that Clarke is really trying to depress things now so as to allow the customary election-winning tax cuts in three years time.

News today of French President Mitterand admitting in an interview that he was suffering with prostate cancer that has not responded to three bouts of treatment. He will soldier on until the end of his term in May. T

errible news of Mrs Carole Wardell, a lady assistant manager of the Nuneaton Woolwich Building Society, who was murdered after her and her husband were taken hostage and her keys used to rob her branch of money and cheques in the early hours of the morning.

There is still doubt about the true plans of a mentally-ill pilot decapitated and killed when he crashed without the engine running on the US White House Lawn after stealing the plane earlier. Whether it was a bizarre suicide or an attempt on President Clinton's life is unsure; but the President and his family were staying opposite in a government apartment whilst the White House was being renovated anyway.