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As Diana took the girls on an outing, I slept in and then returned to dog training and paperwork.
This as the Irish Premier Albert Reynolds was putting pressure on John Major to accept the good faith of the IRA by meeting Seinn Feinn leader, Gerry Adams in Dublin today
I had planned a much more relaxing day as Diana was taking my car and, with it, the girls for an outing.
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The morning walk with Sam and then of to St Neots shopping with Diana, car valleting and then off after lunch to Sutton Gault where Terry Stannard, as the marsh warden of the Cambridgeshire Field Sports Association, was my host on the walking tour around the Ouse Washes walk and Wiggly thereafter in late evening
Much of today was spent at home as it was the last but one day that the girls had before going back to school. Debbie was prickly as usual and we worry that she is not successfully doing her GCSE course-work assignment but cannot talk to her about it.
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A very good morning’s dog training with Sam after making a fuss of Diana and then off to Harlow where we did a range of obedience, retrieving and quartering work which Sam accomplished as well as any of them.
Daniel left for his two-week holiday in Tenerife, one of the Canary Islands, and I gave him £20 to make sure that he brought home nice presents for Diana and the girls.
It was a much finer and warmer day than of late and I swung both of our bedroom French windows open and let the air circulate.
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A relaxing day at home with the family at The Hayling View reading and writing and treating them to their normal Saturday lunch out
Having spent the night away and missed quite a lot of sleep, I took things particularly easy today; just updating my journal, planning some diary dates for repeat performances and catching up with some reading. I soon had to go out with the family to treat them to their normal Saturday lunch out and, despite another walk with Sam and a couple of organising telephone calls, I did not do very much else apart from relaxing