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Back at home with Diana and to catch up with my work and then shopping for a new detachable bed for our new circumstance.
Then, the evening with Nigel discussing our marital and relationship issues where I see Wiggly as being 15 years to young but Nigel sees as a long-term love match and about the most compatible couple that he has ever seen!
I was awoken by Diana, obviously in a much better mood, who brought me in a cup of tea in bed and gathered the pillows and wrapped my dressing gown around me as I sat up.
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Sam did well in Working Tests today, coming 8th of 35 Novices at Laverstoke Park after which I managed a visit to Wiggly before Diana allowed me home. Daimon Hill won the Portuguese Grand Prix today and with it enough points to get back within one of Michael Schumacher.
The Travelodge gave me a comfortable night and I did get some sleep after the long and tiring journey.
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In Norfolk out of Diana's way in Norfolk on Wiggly's Housewarming party day whilst planning to go dog training but Jim was too sick to see me and so I caught up with local Norfolk football before travelling with Sam to the Basingstoke Travelodge.
I found out the next day that Wiggly had a good party, with her parents down and staying locally joined by friends from work and also from St Neots Players
I walked Sam first thing at The Coneygear, and it was interesting to see the network of footpaths by the river and in amongst the trees there which is a good place to go for a walk with a dog.
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Diana and I managing our martial issues away from the children as she remained in shock and anger and so I keep out of the way of her and help Wiggly get to the clinic and use of a car. Ostensibly off to Norfolk, I stay overnight with Wiggly in Eynesbury.
An armed break out of IRA prisoners from a Cambridgeshire jail is now being followed by the discovery of Semtex explosive smuggled in but the Home Secretary still refuses to resign!
Della was selected for three small walk-on drama parts in the school play, Debbie is going through an extremely difficult and uncooperative phase as a teenager and driving Diana mad, but Daniel is doing his best to help.
I got myself up from the spare room and then went upstairs to shower and dress, joining the other members of the family for breakfast. Diana was strained and obviously upset but managed to put a brave face on things and I prevented the rest of the family from prying so that we got through breakfast all right.
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