Sales Shopping with the family at Latham's in Potter Heigham on a brighter day
Sales Shopping with the family at Latham's in Potter Heigham on a brighter day

After a cold night, out with Sam through the crunchy ice of Crabbet’s marsh road and then Sales Shopping with the family at Latham's in Potter Heigham, before an evening pantomime of The Theatre Royal's production of the "Alladin".

I won time to phone Wiggly tonight. She had enjoyed her first day back after good catching-up session the day before.

A mixed night as I first struggled to get my feet warm and then worried about my cover falling off all night. Awake early but had snoozed off again by the time Diana woke me up at 8.00am.

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Sam had been all right in the store cupboard and stayed there until I had got washed, dressed and eaten breakfast. The water was down slightly but, with a frozen upper layer, it was a crunchy progress along the dyke road and Crabbet’s Marsh road but he enjoyed it and was excited.

Also three other dogs to meet and play with before we got back and could ready the family to leave for the morning's outing. I carried both Sam and Della to the car but Debbie and Di clambered aboard and we set off for Latham's in Potter Heigham, glad to have our Land Rover.

The Thurne was lapping at the banks there and seeping into the car park but by now the levels were falling anyway. On the way back, I stopped off at The Horning Ferry and saw that the banks had been strengthened since the last time and were holding.

Into Wroxham where, parking at the Library, Diana walked to the shops to see the sales whilst I joined the girls in the library and read up on the old Broads Authority minutes as the girls chose books to get out. Lunch at The Fisherman's Galley of Pizza and Salad and then back to Harnser to walk and feed Sam for the night.

The river levels were fading away as the north-western wind backed southerly and the snow and ice were melting slowly as well. Della joined me in Di's boots and paddled through the ice-covered puddles as I controlled the excited Sam.

Diana made a tea of soup, cheese, bread and mince pies for me and then there was time to rest before we had to get ready to go to The Theatre Royal's production of the pantomime "Alladin". This was a rather low key and poorly supported evening but at least the children seemed to enjoy it and the holiday season would not have been the same for us without this outing.

I told Debbie off for pestering me over car music on the way back and then I had to run over a deer rather than swerve and endanger the family and Della was upset that I killed it. Home to my journal, a bedtime drink and then to bed after getting into the bathroom last.

Under the guise of parking the car, I won time to phone Wiggly tonight. She had enjoyed her first day back after good catching-up session the day before. She got her computer back from Daniel, typed up and circulated the agenda for Thursday's LibDem meeting and caught up on her washing and ironing and was in a good mood.