The Chechnyan war with Russia was killing 10’s of thousands on both sides
The Chechnyan war with Russia was killing 10’s of thousands on both sides

The government was on to the British Gas mismanagement and the Chechnyan war with Russia is killing 10’s of thousands on both sides.

I ran Max across the rape in Molesworth to good effect, did some paper work, had an eye test and lunch with Wiggly ahead of my Scottish trip.

I awoke tired this morning but still managed to sit in bed and note the main news items from the radio.

The heads of British Gas and two other privatised utilities have to appear before a committee of MP's investigating executive pay levels and Labour are pressing for measures to contain these levels as the government is a major shareholder.

The Treasury are going to use private sector money to upgrade their offices and will use the mechanism of a sell and lease-back arrangement.

The Chechnyan president has admitted that 30,000 of his people perished in the failed independence struggle but also claimed that 10,000 Russians also died.

The Scott Trust that supervises the Guardian is choosing a new Editor in an amazingly democratic process involving consulting the journalists which could not be more different from the right-wing mogul-dominated papers.

The Russians are raising the international issue of the safe disposal of redundant chemical and nuclear weapons and there are tales of both having been dumped at sea and leaking as slow time bombs.

The volume of evidence is now growing that it was Iran and not Libya that was responsible for the PanAm airline Lockerbie bombing and that this fact was known and concealed because of needing Iran’s help in the war against Iraq to liberate Kuwait.

Out with Sam to the bus stop with the girls and then, in view of his forthcoming Novice Field Trial tomorrow, I drove him up to Molesworth and ran him across the rape and set-aside to get some practice. He was running far, wide and too far ahead again but I did manage to control him and bring him back and could understand why he was doing it.

The crop and vegetation were so short that no game would be covered and he was more interested on getting ahead to the hedgerows. I carried my gun in case I saw any pigeons but there were none.

Back quickly for then I had to take him to the vets in St Neots for his booster injection and then home to carry on work in my office and to make a telephone call to Ian McGregor of The Forss House Hotel to arrange a room at his hotel for the holiday.

No time to spare after because I then had a lunch date with Nigel again the alibi and I did actually manage to drop by and pick up Daniel's heater. However, the main day was with Wiggly.

She had successful treatment last night on her painful toes and was pleased that I got her to go. We had a nice meal and time to chat but then she got back to travel with two colleagues to Liverpool where it was crunch time for her US project and they were hoping to win the initial study financing.

I discussed with her the risks we are presently running and the contingency plans if Diana finds out again. Back home after and a busy afternoon making and receiving calls on the latest LibDem problems before trying to sort out the rest of my Fountain Forestry files in preparation for my visit.

I had ten years of papers all in one file which made reading and carrying it difficult! A short walk for Sam in failing light and also time in the garage preparing the breasts from my brace of pheasants.

A hectic tea as Diana left for Yoga and me for an eye test. My long sight is still perfect, but my reading glasses have to be strengthened by one point.

The rest of the evening I tried to clear up my office and prepare for all the things that I am supposed to be doing and I keyed in lots more addresses into my electronic organiser so that I am now dependent upon it in a big way.