Playing with my Psion and reorganising my disk files
Playing with my Psion and reorganising my disk files

Computer work, playing with my Psion and reorganising my disk files, enjoying a beautiful lunch made by Diana of her normal roast chicken and all the family were at home to eat it!

A good St Ives LibDem meeting at the home of Angela and John Bush and an early night quite tired after the day's exertions.

I awoke with the sun shining brightly at 7.00am but chose to stay in bed for quite a while, playing with my Psion and reorganising my disk files.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Up to breakfast with the girls and then back upstairs to belatedly get washed and dressed before I got out with Sam. I found him not quite so compliant as of late and felt that Debbie taking him for his evening walks may have allowed some bad habits to form.

Back to spend the rest of the morning working at my Off Line Readers so that I could read down conference information from either my PC or Psion and then equalise my data files afterwards.

Diana had made a beautiful lunch of her normal roast chicken and all the family were at home to eat it! This afternoon, first carrying on with my OLR's and then updating this last couple of day's journal. Next some financial transactions before taking Sam out for his second walk which he enjoyed.

This evening, I drove over to the home of Angela and John Bush and met them for a couple of hours and went through the results of the leak Investigation and then other matters of my inquiry and the future of our St Ives organisation.

I felt that the meeting went very well and we parted on good terms with a laugh and a joke. Home to go to bed quite tired after the day's exertions.