US President Clinton welcoming the Sein Feinn leader, Gerry Adams, for a St Patrick's Day reception
US President Clinton welcoming the Sein Feinn leader, Gerry Adams, for a St Patrick's Day reception

 St Neots LibDem Jumble Sale and Nigel snooker the excuse for seeing Wiggly morning, afternoon and evening.

The Cambridge Health Authority to continue further chemotherapy for a little girl suffering from Leukemia. 

The US President Clinton welcomes the Sein Fein leader, Gerry Adams, for a St Patrick's Day reception; despite British Protests.

The news this  morning was of a row over the refusal of Cambridge Health Authority to continue further chemotherapy for a little girl suffering from Leukemia.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

Another over US President Clinton welcoming the Sein Fein leader, Gerry Adams, for a St Patrick's Day reception; despite British Protests.

I was slow to rise and then took Sam for a walk on the sunniest and mildest day that we had experienced for a long time. It was the day of the St Neots Liberal Democrat jumble sale and I wanted to drop off the bed-head and other jumble that we had collected for it in the morning as I was due to be with Diana and the girls for a Happy Eater lunch at the time it was due to begin.

I called Wiggly and dropped round to see her in the morning, borrowing her PC link lead and working there as she did some work for the LibDems as Secretary. She then took the jumble down for me which was handy.

I attended the jumble sale after lunch and took the opportunity to hand out my notes on the FOCUS advertising plans and chat with several of the others about our candidate plans for the May Elections.

I was back with Wiggly in the afternoon to finish off our work and retrieve my photocopier but then we found our chance to go up to her bedroom and make love; both enjoying some exquisite and fulfilling sex.

Home for tea and then back out later for a Nigel Snooker Evening. This was the excuse to take Wiggly out to Cambridge. We visited the Cambridge Festival Theatre for the production of "Lady of Pleasure", a Carolinian 16th Century play about the decadence of London under Charles 1st.

This setting was interesting as it was only the second night that this old circular theatre, with its surrounding seats, had been in use since the 1930's.

The language was of the period but the costumes, music and setting was modern which led to quite an intimate atmosphere and a very successful one.

It seemed to be a theatre group company of Cambridge University and all of the cast were very good indeed. It was raining again as we drove home. Whether tired, or not, Wiggly chose to take me up on some careless comments that I made on the capabilities and intelligence of women and this lead to a contest when we got back to her place.

We played Connect 4 and sure enough she won by a small margin to prove her point. It being late, and us both being tired, I left for home to get to bed after 1.00am but the house was silent and in darkness.

Though still ardently in love with me, I do not think that Wiggly regards our relationship as so wonderful any more as she keeps saying careless things such as "this ridiculous situation" and, of her friend Tracey, "she goes from one disastrous relationship to another, like me".

I left her with fond but brief farewells as she gets upset upon my leaving and not being able to go to bed with her.