Making a fuss of Wiggly before and after a Little Chef breakfast and a lunch of cheese and pastrami baguettes.
I then left her shopping in Norwich as I watched England beat Scotland to take the Calcutta Cup, the Grand Slam and the Five Nations Championship all in one go.
Later to see Shakespeare's "Loves Labours Lost" together at the theatre
A nice start as I made a fuss of Wiggly after quite a lay in.
**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**
Out with Sam, who had been good, and a nice walk along the bank of the drainage canal for a good three-crap session!
A couple of telephone calls to check my answering machines and then back to Wiggly, slightly impatient from the delay, and over to a crowded Little Chef for our breakfast.
The drive into Norwich where I parked up in the Castle Mall and left Sam for some shopping and then had lunch of cheese and pastrami baguettes with a large pot of tea.
Then, I left Wiggly to carry on shopping and come back on the bus later whilst I drove back to open up Harnser and watch the Rugby International on the TV. England beat Scotland to take the Calcutta Cup, the Grand Slam and the Five Nations Championship all in one go.
I had time to unpack, make the bed and walk Sam before Wiggly came home.
****** Sections have been censored for reasons of privacy for five further years from this date ******
Then the rush to get changed and ready for the theatre with Wiggly wearing her red suite with micro-mini skirt and black stockings/suspenders as a forfeit for being so nicely treated.
It was nice to rub my fingers on her bare legs above her stocking tops during the duller moments in Shakespeare's "Loves Labours Lost". In fact it was a good modern treatment of this 400-year-old work and I enjoyed it.
Back to Harnser where we slept straight away which was hardly surprising.