Gerry Adams attended a St Patrick Day celebration today as an "IRA-type" Semtex bomb was found in Newry.
Gerry Adams attended a St Patrick Day celebration today as an "IRA-type" Semtex bomb was found in Newry.

A walk with Sam and pleasantly surprised to find how mild it was; even if stormy weather was expected later.

Financial and political preparations and a hair cut at last before off to Norfolk with Wiggly.

Gerry Adams attended a St Patrick Day celebration today as an "IRA-type" Semtex bomb was found in Newry.

More than 80% of local authorities have cut back in their provision of Social Services following government grant cuts.

Awake early after a good sleep to hear the news whilst sitting in the morning sun.

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Gerry Adams attended a St Patrick Day celebration today whilst an "IRA-type" Semtex bomb was found in Newry.

In a Law Lords decision of yesterday, it is now the case that Receivers are now responsible to employees of failed companies if they keep the workers on for more than two weeks after taking over. They now qualify for redundancy payments.

More than 80% of local authorities have cut back in their provision of Social Services following government grant cuts. Further medical research has cast doubt on the theory that cot deaths are due to emissions from PVC-covered mattresses and parents continue to be advised to sleep their babies on their backs.

Into the bathroom and on to breakfast with the family as I was on time for once. Out with Sam and pleasantly surprised to find how mild it was; even if stormy weather was expected later. The dog is lively lately, keen to get on with his hunting but keener still to do this too much of a distance away from me!

Back to walk to the bus stop with the girls and then on with Sam across the Mill Field set-a-side where we successfully found the young muntjac in its lay and pointed then flushed it so that it could have been culled if I had the mind.

The morning working away at a variety of transactions to get my accounts up to date and my work or the party stable so that I could have the weekend off in peace. I worked late an through lunch to get it done and then made myself some ham sandwiches in order to survive.

Di was back from Tesco's in Bedford quite early so as to get ready to have her nieces to tea and so I got packed, loaded up and ready to go. Into St. Neots for some stationery from Clover Office Supplies, transactions with two building societies and then to the barbers to get my hair trimmed.

It was a long wait but I used the time well to reorganise my Psion files and then updated my journal for the day. A walk for Sam at The Coneygeare and then to meet Wiggly on her return from work for the start of our weekend.

She had made arrangements for making a meal this evening after which we both went to 33 Avenue Road for separate LibDem meetings before driving to our Norfolk hotel for the night.

It was a very encouraging experience as there was a host of new people as candidates; bringing youth and freshness to the campaign. I also got the chance to get together with Rob Kirkham and Chris to discuss FOCUS advertising policy and agreed a division of responsibilities accordingly.

Our journey to Cambridge first, where we dropped off Wiggly's car and then thought about going to see the late film at the Arts Cinema but it was too late for us.

A drink each in the Route 66 night club and then on to Barton Mills where Wiggly had booked us in for the night. Some nice sex for me and then we fell fast asleep in one another's arms, at peace with the world.