London executive induction as June’s father collapses and the vote to reintroduce the death penalty is defeated. An evening nude walk on an exhaustingly hot day
Another very hot and sunny day, and I noticed the heat particularly as it stayed hot during the evening, and humid during the night. Good news overnight as the House of Commons rejects decisively any form of the death penalty and feels that this is an end to the issue. An early meeting with Jacques Samuels and good news that six fine candidates for interview are selected from the many that applied for the Manufacturing Manager. Then during a meeting with Derek Weatherby, June Hamilton interrupted in a most distraught state. Her father had collapsed with Heart Attack and Stroke and mother was upset.
With this news, I comforted her until her husband arrived and then made off to Dr Osborne, the Dentist for two large fillings. Not a very good end to this morning! This afternoon, a long training/induction meeting with Russell Jacques of London stretching until late evening as we resolve many administrative and personnel problems in the wake of Bob Robinson’s departure. Much rebellion in the house about the government’s move to restrict increases in MP’s pay to 4%. The back benchers have tasted power in the Hanging Debate. Tonight a hot evening and during the night, be-stripped of all clothes for cooling, I was moved to walk out in the garden for fresh air. Unfortunately I did not meet any ladies similarly distressed! To sleep with much trouble and concern about the problems of the Byte Shop branches and urgent work laying undone in June’s absence on personnel.