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A more active day spoilt by a relapse with me gasping for breath as my chest infection took hold and then Diana fell ill too as Ulster Protestants strike against Anglo-Irish agreements, Conservative Council lose actions to save their reserves for spending and with oil at an all-time spot-price low of $15 and down to $12-13 for April delivery The Thatcher government now reaps the results of the lack of oil depletion and manufacturing policies
A good night and morning, as I took the last of my anti-bacterial drugs and sat in bed reading the daily paper and mail. Up in late morning, showered and dressed, but already the cough was getting worse so that I could hardly breathe. To the office and, stopping for lunch, I spent the rest of the day sorting out my papers, paying numerous bills, and filing all of the items that had accumulated. A strenuous effort and, instead of the exertion having the desired effect of clearing my chest through the exercise and upright posture, I ended up gasping for breath and having to turn into bed for the evening.

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A better night of sleep and day of recovery but still no serious work accomplished but out of bed and making progress as Maxwell goads printers into a Scottish dispute, a large Land Rover’s owners rally opposes their US takeover and it is learnt that Olof Palme was assassinated with special ammunition
Slept well and started my day as usual. Di offered me a full fried breakfast, but I stayed with my porridge as usual. The morning in bed, reading the Observer paper, except for a while where I beat Daniel at Chinese Whist. He is getting more interested in more adult distractions. Rose before lunch at Diana’s request and joined the family at the dinner table for well-cooked roast beef, that could have been carved a little thinner, but was otherwise fine.

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The weather continuing cold and me staying in bed recovering from illness as I was in the house, secured for safety, and now poor Daniel is sick in bed but I get up and watch a film in the evening as Swedish Prime Minister, Olof Palme, was assassinated by a gunman, Sellafield leaks again and thousands of protesters were gathered for a march on Rupert Murdock’s Wapping printing plant
Slept well, but then woke early on another cold and frosty morning – just because the name of the month is different, there is no change yet to the weather. Another breakfast of porridge and brown sugar with top of the milk, taken in bed before I started to read the paper. Too cold to get up without heating and still felt weak anyway and so settled down for the morning to read the post of letters and computer journals and then finish off the Financial Times.