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On this mild day, I finally got a proper medical examination and diagnosis of my ails and two problems are now being dealt with but a visit to see a specialist is advised for my urinary tract problems. This before hearing of Diana’s problems with me being around and also helping my cleaner with her past employment issues and managing some little activity before regressing to my bed coughing after some much appreciated, but poorly cooked, fish. A horrific ‘Clockwork Orange’-type assault of the vicar of Ealing and rape of his daughter disgusts everyone, The London Metal Exchange no longer exists to trade Tin and Vickers are bought out by management but there is little hope of Leyland being allowed to be saved likewise
Awake feeling fragile, but a bit better. I had slept well and was not coughing at first or feeling hot and uncomfortable. I forwent the paper and got up with slow determination, washed, shaved, bathed and dressed so as to be ready for the trip to the Doctor. Di got the car ready, loaded up Della, and off we went. I had taken some drawing pads and pencil and Di some reading books to keep her happy. We arrived a little late and were soon seen by Dr Swainsco. I explained the problems and then Di launched into a statement of how it was ridiculous that I had been ill for three weeks, which was quite true. He called for the results of my urine test (which should have been to hand) and examined my back with a stethoscope for chest congestion. The outcome was as I expected – two separate illnesses, the first, acute urinary tract infection (which was eventually cleared up by the antibacterial tablets) and a chest infection, for which he prescribed yet another treatment of antibiotics - oxytetracycline 250mg. But, as men are ‘not supposed to get’ urinary infections, he also prescribed a visit to a specialist for ultrasonic investigation.

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Insisted on briefing and manager my architect and pursuing the washing machine suppliers and tried to eat lunch with Diana and her mother but collapsed with another fever and was unable to speak for lung congestion, very hot with an excruciating headache, bathing my head in cold water and fearful for my life from pneumonia on the worse day of illness in my life. This as the government increases sentences for firearms offences and alarming news about the recent sinking of the Russian cruise liner (The Mikhail Lermontov) being due to pilot error
Awake a little earlier than usual, breakfast of porridge in bed, and then up to shave, shower and dress for my appointment. I had a little time before David Stokes was to arrive at 9.30am and so checked over the building and decorating work to date, read the mail, and sat at my desk to prepare for the meeting. Listed the salient points of the building work, as well as the outstanding tasks and then, when David arrived, put them to him. Emphasised that we needed the plumber to spend a few days fitting the sanitary ware, then the carpenter to do a few odd jobs, so that the tiling and the work could be finished. We discussed payments, but I insisted that I was not going to pay until two weeks’ time and completion of the work, as there had been to many days with the financial pressure off. I also asked him to look into the central heating design, in view of the Gas Board suggesting that the boiler was in the wrong place to work reliably. Was coughing well by this time, but decided to expedite a few things.

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A shopping trip for Diana and some work for me as the weather is milder and we recover enough to enjoy a more active day and a beneficial one as the value of my Kode shares increases by £33,000! Thatcher uses new laws to persecute the duly elected representatives of Liverpool and Lambeth, a tough American is sent in to British Leyland to impose her will in defiance of House of Lords dissent, the Audit Commission calls for public money to be spent on Council housing but more enlightening sight is Spitfires flying in formation on their 50th anniversary
A good night and woke to my morning drink from Diana. She was up as usual and right as rain. She brought me porridge again, the paper and morning post. She wanted a chat to order the day, but my chest is still enmeshed and needs some clearing each day, before I can draw breath without coughing. She leaves for Bedford with Della to do some shopping. She also meant to exchange the heated trolley at Debenhams but, with the delay due to my illness, they had already sold the last three and so she wasted her journey. I read the paper in bed and noted, to my pleasure, that Kode shares had risen to £1.25 and by 20p yesterday. If they can reach £2.00 (and after 5th April for tax timing reasons) then we shall sell them.

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Both Diana and I were ill in bed for most of today but Norma called by and helped look after the girls and took my mail to the post office and Daniel was at home and helped later. This as the body of murdered 6 year old Collette Gallacher was found in Northamptonshire, there is all-party condemnation in The House of Lords, South Africa announces the lifting of Emergency regulations and the rebels they back in Angola, UNITA have captured and force-marched foreigners to their camp and their boxer is knocked out by Frank Bruno at Wembley
A poor night, as I tossed first one way and then the other, trying to keep off of my back and avoid coughing. Di was ill in the spare bedroom and I was feverish again, shivering as I cuddled up to a hot water bottle. Woke late and, at 8.00am, got Daniel up to get ready for his bus. Unhappily, he was too late to catch it and had to spend the day at home. We managed to get Debbie along to her friends and thus to school. I took the cordless phone along to Di and we called her Mother, who came over to help for the day. Also Joan took my specimen down to the Doctors for analysis, for which I was grateful.