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A reasonable day reassuring Debbie about her schoolwork and then taking Diana and Della to Cambridge for a day’s outing with plenty of rest and refreshment breaks as I was still very week. This evening with Daniel and locking the house after a lot of building and swimming pool work had been accomplished. This as Leoni’s assaulter was given three life sentences, Ulster and Scottish unrest is in the news and the black boycott begins to bite in South Africa but Thatcher is in no mood to compromise over anything, even discussing arms reduction with Russia
Another good night and awoke, if not as well as yesterday, then certainly in very good order. Downstairs to find Di even before being called for breakfast. A glass of water, an antibiotic pill, and then sat at the bottom of the stairs, close to the fan heater, chatting to Debbie. I reassured her about school as she was worried again. I reminded her that Mrs McFarlane had told us that she was doing well and was well ahead of average, with no reason to worry. Then to sit in the playroom reading the FT, as she chatted and played – Kode are up to 132 again and still rising. Breakfast of toast and fruit juice, comme d’habitude, and then tarried to finish off the paper. Before getting washed, shaved and dressed for a trip to Cambridge with Diana.

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My first working day after breakfast with my family on the best day I have had for weeks in health terms as my delayed treatment delivers results. More activity reviewing Joan’s case with her, feeding the ducks and doves and some light work on the alarms; interspersed with reading to pace myself. A callous 10% increase in prescription charges (1000% since 1978), NASA find the crashed cockpit with human remains within and Islamic extremists still hold French TV crew members
A splendid night and nice awakening. I do not think I have woken feeling so well since I started this three week bout of illness. I welcomed my morning tea, greeted all in sight and then donned my dressing gown and slippers to go downstairs. I met Diana with my breakfast tray on the way up, but joined the rest of the family at the breakfast table in the end, which was more sociable. Toast, marmalade and fruit juice was the menu.
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Mothers Day – Making the effort to get out for a meal with Diana and the family in the morning and then restful day recovering in the afternoon as probing satellites monitoring Haley’s Comet are assisted to locate the centre by the USSR probe, Vega
Awoke early to decide to get up and prepare Diana some morning coffee. Took it to her, chatted a while, and then went back to the kitchen for morning tea and other drinks. Daniel and Deborah came to join Di in bed and celebrated Mother’s Day by giving her hand-made cards and presents of talcum powder and bath salts. Della later joined us, so that it was quite a family event. Then Di went down to cook some fried breakfast for me and I stayed in bed for a while to read the paper. I am preparing for the end of tax year adjustments and have as my main priority the final transfer to avoid Capital Transfer Tax.

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A day of steady recovery resting in and out of bed listening to the radio and reading papers about the successful BMMG AGM completed without me and then preparing my finances and tax payments until Della’s frantic cot-rattling made me realises that we were on our own in the house! More news of the Ealing Vicarage Rape and the pursuit of the attackers
Woke myself after a sound night and went down to find Diana. Had not disturbed her at all last night with breathing/coughing, which was an improvement. Persuaded back to bed for breakfast and listened to the farming programmes on the radio. Always interesting; was reminded this time that I should consider taking over some poor farm land in the area for establishing a broad-leaved woodland. With grain reductions, land prices are now falling and EEC strictures are encouraging (forcing) the shrinkage of agricultural land use. Collected the mail and read that in bed. Much BMMG info and papers on the recent AGM.