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A lay in and large English breakfast to enjoy before a shower and return to some healthy normality at last with ducks and doves being attended and doing well before securing our oak bedroom suite from the auction and counselling Daniel and Steve on how best to preserve Aquabean. Thatcher under pressure from security worries and the funeral today of Olof Palme after his wicked assassination with more South African shootings of demonstrators but the biggest news was the swift collapse of The Hotel New World in Singapore
Slept well, but lay in bed this morning after a later night and took my morning tea there as Di made the drinks. Downstairs to the kitchen, where I cooked my own breakfast – fried egg, bread, tomato, bacon, sausage and mushrooms. Then to settle to the paper until finished and after, my first shower since my illness, as I gradually get back to normal. Out to the ducks and doves on a mild day. 4 eggs, which is the best the ducks have managed in a long while. No sign of the blue-bar we took to Bedford and so we may have escaped him. We now have three cocks and three hens left – all nice fantails and look forward to the breeding season. Off then with the girls to Bedford and for me a morning at the Peacocks auction. I secure the bedroom suite, but at a cost of £520, which is fair value, but at a higher price than I wanted to pay.

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Great news for my friend David Link about Giotto taking perfect pictures of Halley’s Comet but depressing to hear Thatcher inviting people to pay more for their own security but, after solving a banking account problem, a good time in Bedford selecting wooden bedroom furniture from Peacock’s Auction and then buying a state-of-the-art HiFi system from A & N Audio of St Neots
Another good night and early rise, getting the morning drinks for the family art the same time. Giotto functioned well and gave close-up pictures of Haley’s Comet. I remember meeting the British Aerospace project manager, in charge of this satellite, Mr David Link, at the House of Commons committee meeting. It was a combined session of PITCOM and the Science & Technology committee. I put to him that I would hate that job – if anything went wrong, there was no way to make amends as, with 69 year periodicity, he would be dead before the opportunity arose again! He agreed and I wished him good luck – he seemed to have had it, as all claim a startling success. Breakfast and then the morning paper, whilst I listened to ‘Yesterday in Parliament.’ More Thatcher arrogance, this time on crime & violence, when she asked citizens to spend their own money to ensure their safety.

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Day liaising with building and swimming pool contractors and showing Charles and Norma around as well as writing to the BMMG before supervising Daniel’s homework as Thatcher refuses more policing to tackle increased violent crime but sends more troops to Ulster and the ESA Giotto mission takes the detailed pictures ever of Haley’s Comet
Slept well and then woke myself and chatted to Debbie in the playroom. I made the morning drinks and then woke up Daniel with his tea, putting his donkey jacket round his shoulders to keep him warm, for he has no dressing gown. Then to breakfast and the morning paper after. No change in Kode shares, but the stock exchange climbs ever higher. To the bathroom to wash and dress and heard the sound of much banging and noise, as both the carpenter and the tilers started early. Dressed in time to see the girls off – Debbie is taking her ballet exam today, but, unlike her friends, does not seem to worry about it.

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A busy and productive day and one started and finished in company with the family whilst the builders and swimming pool contractors work on as a Commons report lambasts the Sellafield management and safety record, with leaks making the Irish Sea the most radioactive in the world and the BMA pointing to the crisis in the care of the old and infirm but the financial markets rise
Another peaceful night and again awake to walk downstairs before being called. Satisfied with water to drink before the tea was ready. Collected Debbie on the way and found Di in the kitchen, where we collected our drinks. I chatted to Debbie a while, as part of my new fathering style, and then sat briefly in the playroom with my paper, before breakfast was soon ready. Boiled eggs all round and we thoroughly enjoyed them, being done to a tee. A nice friendly breakfast as Daniel joined us in good spirits.