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Laid in bed with Diana before Daniel and Gary ventured out on the dinghy, Debbie was off to church and so Della came to play with me as I worked in my office clearing my desk of magazines etc. An afternoon watching Spurs beat Arsenal on TV and then enjoying a thatching program, I worked on again. The BT unions secure a 12+% pay rise, four Western hostages in Beirut are threatened with execution with no word of Terry Waite and the US regain the America’s Cup under Connors who beat the Aussies
Was very tired indeed when I turned in last night and then woke up a little early in the morning for a trip to the toilet. Then stayed in bed with Diana for a while, before having my shower, shave and getting dressed. Breakfast of a nice fried meal and then, after the morning paper, I went out to feed the ducks and doves. Daniel and Gary had been to bed late, but slept well and ventured outside this morning to put an outboard motor on the dingy and cruise around a little. It has been much milder these last few days and the days longer too. Spent a little time in my office this morning, clearing my desk ready to do some work, but, with Debbie at the church, Della was at a loose end and she came to see me and I did some pencil drawings for her and then read her some stories.
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Console and settling down a restless Della this morning and then some catching up on reading material before dropping off at Eaton Socon for our ‘cine film to tape’ conversions on the way to Kimbolton School where Debbie was being tested and assessed for joining the school after her forthcoming entrance examination and then back with Gary who will stay with Daniel for the weekend. News is awaited about the fate of Terry Waite, Thatcher is moaning about her secret funding of security satellites being exposed and the US Senate is blocking Reagan’s accelerated ‘Star Wars’ program
Slept OK, but woke early and lay tired, but too much so to get up and go to the loo! Down stairs and sat with Daniella for a while, reading stories to settle her down. She seems to have been so edgy and difficult of late. Back up to shower & shave, then dress in smart sports jacket and trousers. By this time I was back for breakfast, the family had finished and so ate alone. Sat with the papers for a while in my office. Created a mountain of old editions, once I had read them, because I had been so behind. Soon time to feed the ducks and doves and then get the car out and lock the house, ready to go to Kimbolton. Stopped off at Little End Road, Eaton Socon, to the place where they copy the cine-film onto video tapes and there picked up our films, which cost over £50, but were worth it. Once in Kimbolton, we stopped at the tea rooms and had a coffee (with chocolate cake and orange for the girls) then went on into Kimbolton School. Parked the Range Rover outside the castle with Daniella in it and then went inside.
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An early start for the journey to the West Suffolk Hospital to find it dirty and disorganised and then made to wait to see Consultant Mr Bracegirdle with Mum and to suffer his rudeness and lack of enthusiasm for providing Mum with a hip replacement but she accepts his verdict despite my sister Freda’s view that the risks were overplayed. My first visit to St Neots LHS this evening and then news of the SOGAT strike folding, of Scottish law officers ruling that 5 of the 6 BBC films be returned and of the British Airways privatisation succeeding.
An early awakening, harking back to the era of my business career, where early mornings and car journeys were the norm. Showered and shaved in 30 minutes, breakfast in another 15, then away in the Escort Estate to meet my father. I had not been in this car much lately and it drives well, but is much more uncomfortable than the Range Rover. Arrived early at the West Suffolk Hospital and had to wait quite a while for Dad to arrive. I was going to use the toilet, but found them in a disgusting state and changed my mind. It is surprising that these large hospitals, new only a few years ago, are starting to lose their sheen, due to manpower and budgetary reductions in real terms. We had a long while to wait to see Mr Bracegirdle, orthopaedic consultant (bones). I had taken a piece of paper to take notes, but he reacted to this idea rather surprisingly and so I desisted.
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Another working day on my book, with some time sent with Debbie and Daniel on their maths homework as SOGAT’82 has to admit defeat against Murdoch, some signs of an end to the BT dispute and The Attorney General, Sir Michael Havers, has stood down from the post after a series of problems over the Westland affair, the MI5 case in Australia and now the Zircon affair
Slept much better than last night and was most reluctant to wake up. Struggled to a sitting position for my morning tea and read some local papers, until it was time to get up. Showered and shaved. It is noticeable how much lighter the mornings are getting now – even though the weather remains dull and overcast – as the days get longer. Soon down to breakfast, after unlocking the house and putting excess lights out and Daniel was remiss again – leaving his bedroom in a mess and I had to tell him off. Breakfast of more wheat flakes and apple juice to drink, then a quick return to my office, where I put the computer on to start the day’s work. Today it was the start of the section of Paxton Park and I first edited the Ramply interview transcript and was about to input some of the Song Book text, when I was overtaken by the need to put in Linda Read’s notes on the Throckmortons, which took until lunch. Di’s Mother was over for lunch and then stayed this afternoon, whilst Di went to her ‘keep-fit’.