After a breakfast of boiled duck egg, Amy and Della joined Debbie for a trip to Offord for their first ride on Sundance. A mad rush to the pony club meeting this afternoon and much trouble getting Sundance into the horse trailer but still an enjoyable afternoon for Debbie, though cold for us in the biting wind and showers. Secretary Paul Channon at the centre of an air transport row over withholding warnings prior to the Lockerbie plane bombing and now security is ramped up for the Easter weekend. An explosive lorry catches fire and explodes in Peterborough
I was still tired when brought my morning tea and my daughters were jumping all over the bed before I could wake up. A breakfast of boiled duck egg and then we took Debbie over to Offord. This morning, she took Amy and Della went along for the first time. I left them to get Sundance ready and delivered my press releases and memos to the district Council. Once back, I supervised the session that saw Amy and Della having their first rides on Sundance. Then off home for coffee and on to St Neots to collect the new Escort car and back to get the girls for lunch. Mad lunch then followed. Fiona Naylor had got the times of the pony club outings wrong and we had to rush to get the pony prepared, into the horse trailer and on the way to where the pony club rally was being held. We had great trouble getting Sundance in the box both going and coming back and we will have to give him some box-training to get over the problem.
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A tiring but enjoyable afternoon for Debbie who did some riding in a group. For us, it had turned into a cold and showery day with the biting wind. I had a well-earned rest this evening but had the realisation that the next wave of election literature should be ready by this weekend. A public row tonight on the safety of air transport. After weeks of pressure on Paul Channon, the secretary, to justify his withholding of warnings about threats to the Lockerbie crash victim; the latest incident is of the leaking of the latest warning – about the Lebanese plot to hijack an American airline plane in Europe. There is now maximum security and searches at airports over the busy Easter weekend. Yesterday, there was a huge explosion in Peterborough, killing a firefighter and injuring hundreds of people. An unmarked lorry full of explosive caught fire and then went off. It had detonators mixed with the explosives has a particularly lethal cocktail.