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As the persistent fog finally cleared, Steve from the Simpers boat cover company came and measured up the extent and type of renovations necessary for the Lady Martina winter cover and then took it away. David Rudd, Chairman of The St Neots Museum committee, visited to make final arrangements for the fundraising launch. Mum arrived later by special taxi and we agreed plans and arrangements for Dad’s funeral, when it comes.
Sad news of the death of Frank ‘Polly’ Hall, for whom I wrote an obituary and then a PULP residents meeting this evening. Kohl has assured Poland that her borders are safe and a car bomb attack on the Lieutenant General of the Army in London thankfully failed.
I had a better day today. After breakfast and whilst I was working in my office, the persistent fog cleared, and the sun broke through for the first time in a few days. Pete and I managed to hang The Lady’s winter cover roughly in place and Steve from Simpers came by telephone arrangement and measured up the extent and type of renovations necessary for the cover and then took it away for the work to be done by the same time the following week. I also got a visit from David Rudd, Chairman of The St Neots Museum committee who took away the badges and table cards that I had created and discussed a few final arrangements with me. I have confirmation of the loan of six of Marler Haley screens for Thursday and only have the printing to receive now. I sorted a few other Museum launch problems with Myra Chavins, who was getting a bit upset and anxious over the catering.
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I worked in my office on a very foggy day which just would not clear until, after lunch, I went to the nurse to have the stitches in my leg removed. I wrote a new press release for the campaign of Derek Giles. Put together agenda items for district Council meeting and visited the constituent with neighbourhood problems. This evening I prepared the badges and nameplates for the St Neots Museum launch. Daniel had his second university interview invitation, this time from the University of Sussex.
In Germany, and non-Communist has been elected Speaker and the reforming Hans Modrow as Prime Minister whilst 200,000 people have marched in Leipzig in favour of reforms and free elections. President Mitterrand of France has arranged for all 12 heads of government to meet in Paris on Saturday to discuss the future implications, but Thatcher will be resisting calls for German reunification and further European integration. Health Secretary Clarke has turned down a call for talks as some hospitals, doctors and members of the public are contacting stations directly and ambulanceman are responding to their calls.
This was a tremendously foggy day. The barometric pressure was steadily high at 1030mb but the fog just would not clear. There were plenty of accidents on the Eastern England motorways and trunk roads as a result. I had a lay in today after a late night and then worked in my office after tending the fish and conservatory plants. After lunch I went to St Neots with the surgery nurse the first port of call. She took out the stitches in my leg and then I did a number of chores and deliveries in town before coming home.
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Remembrance Sunday - Thankfully a beautiful warm, sunny and still day for the remembrance services and for me to spend the morning washing my Range Rover. Then to watch the TV memorial service at the Cenotaph and later to the remembrance service at St James’s church where Debbie was there as a uniformed brownie. I took Di and the girls to see Mum and Dad between times and my poor Dad declines quickly on a day seemingly all about death. There have now been about 3 million visitors from East to West Germany since last Thursday after 10 new openings in the wall have been created. Only 18,000 want to emigrate.
A really beautiful warm, sunny and still day as the fitting background for the countless remembrance services held up and down the country in the open air. Awake late with Di, staying put in bed until Della came in and she beat a retreat. I spent the first half hour in the conservatory looking after plants and fish until breakfast was ready. Di called me then for fried egg, bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast which I thoroughly enjoyed. I had so much paperwork to do but, with such a fine day in prospect, I just had to work outside. I washed the Range Rover to my standards which are more exacting than those of Daniel. I had first to watch the TV memorial service at the Cenotaph that started with the two-minute silence and then took an hour for the 8000 ex-servicemen to complete their march past.

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I took Debbie and Della to the riding stables on a fairly fine day with Della enjoying her third riding lesson before I drove over to spend the morning canvassing in Eaton Socon for Derek Giles. We experienced some encouraging results and have two leaflets delivered and two thirds of the area canvassed for the opposition have even started their campaign! To Nigel Smith’s surprise 40th birthday party this evening where the ‘stripper-gram girl’ made a good impression.
A fairly fine day, not too windy or cold and only rain in the air at times. Daniel had school as usual and I took both Debbie and Della to the riding stables. It was Della’s third riding lesson and she rode Peppermint (‘Minty’) and I ran alongside with Fiona directed things. Debbie also had a lesson and then I left Della to stay at the stables and she played with Clarissa, Fiona’s daughter.
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