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A slow start after another late night but then I wrote a press release about council activities before visiting mum and dad and finding dad groggy and mum tired. After delivery of the press releases, I took Di to lunch at the Berney Inn in Wyboston, came home to a barrage of telephone calls and a call from the Southwest Cambs Liberal Democrats to be their parliamentary candidate!
The news is all about Berlin as the barriers thrown open and Berliners are hugged and kissed in triumph and joy but also of a scandal involving criminally sold contaminated cattle feeds containing lead sulphate
I was a little too late to bed again and was therefore slow to get going this morning, as a consequence. I worked at my desk on several matters and finally a press release on the latest Poll Tax news and my questions to the Full Council next week. Then we visited Mum and Dad. We found Dad very groggy and sleepy and hardly able to take notice of what was happening. Mum was tired after a blood test sample, but we had a nice conversation, and all was at peace. The home will have a single room for Mum but she wants to stay with Dad in the double room for the time being. Then I took Di to deliver the press releases and mail and we had lunch at the Berney Inn Wyboston.
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A later start on a much calmer and more settled day and some canvassing with Michael Pope in Derek Giles’ election campaign in Eaton Socon with some good results and then to speak at The Priory Doom meeting later, which also went well. More good news as Daniel also gets an offer to study Computing at UEA, East Germany has now opened its borders for international travel and the UK government has bowed to the inevitable and withdrawn nuclear electric power from the privatisation plans. However the army has been on the streets of London as ‘ambulance drivers’ whilst Unions confer about further action.
I was allowed to sleep in a little later this morning by Diana who only brought my morning later at 8:30am. I was down to breakfast at 9am and by the time I tended the fish etc. it was 9:30am. On a much calmer and more settled day, I then called Michael Pope and made arrangements to help with the Eaton Socon canvassing. We visited houses in Drake Road and others and did quite well. Michael and I traded news as we met – he gave me a copy of the district auditor’s views and I briefed him on the latest poll tax developments from the District Council.
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I dragged myself up this morning, though mentally and Physically tired and forwent canvassing in the wind and rain and visited Avenue Fisheries to look at Steve Field’s new Japanese Koi Carp and to learn that my own casualty is suffering from Carp Pox. Then to visit Mum and Dad and take Mum to task over her behaviour the other day before home to prepare for my lecture to Little Paxton School where I gave a talk on Little Paxton history to the local cub scouts which they enjoyed. Troops are trying to cover for the London Ambulancemen, a new 11-man reformist governing body is appointed for East Germany as around 300 flee that country per day.
I was very tired when Di brought me my morning tea this morning. I wanted to go back to sleep for another half an hour but overcome the temptation and got down to breakfast of French toast but I think I was getting quite mentally as well as physically tired. This morning, I was considering going canvassing with Michael Eaton Socon, but the weather was wet and windy with near storm-force winds at times. In the end I went down to see Steve Field and his new Japanese Koi at Sandy. He has diagnosed my Koi problems as carp pox, which is disturbing.
Home for lunch and then the visit to Mum and Dad. We were only there for 45 minutes and for most of that time Dad was in the toilet. I therefore took the opportunity of addressing mum on her recent upsetting behaviour. She took umbrage and was upset herself, but she had to be told and I cuddled and said that I loved her afterwards. I now hope that she would behave more reasonably.
This afternoon, I also got out and tested the slide projector ready for this evening. After tea, I went to Little Paxton School to give a talk on Little Paxton history to the local cub scouts. The youngsters seem to enjoy it and they asked lots of questions afterwards. This ended quite early, but I had to run the gauntlet of the wind and rain there and back.
The news today was of a breakdown in the London Ambulance Service with troops called in to take over from the London ambulanceman who had been suspended. The hospitals are full of patients whose treatment has ended and so others cannot get in for treatment. The government of East Germany has been revamped with a new 11-man governing body elected with many hardliners dumped and reformists include it. It remains to be seen if these changes satisfy the citizens. In the meanwhile, they are fleeing the country at the rate of 300 per hour across the Czech and Slovakian borders.

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To Norfolk via Cambridge with the signed conveyance and new trust deed and there to collect the keys from Elizabeth Kerr and take occupation of Heronshaw. Home via Stanton to check the caravan and collect some things for my parents.
Hearing news this evening of the crisis in the ambulance service, the resignation of the East German government, the findings of the Clapham railway crash and the internal wrangles of Thatcher and her party over Europe.
I was awoken early for a full day’s travelling. Firstly, I had a shower and let some of my leg plaster come off before eating breakfast and then, once prepared, I set off for Newmarket. I was in position within Taylor Vinters car park by 9am but waited until 9:15am before going in for my 9:30pm appointment with trust partner Gerard Chadwick. The building is a lovely Georgian house, listed and beautifully preserved. I got him to sign my Heronshaw conveyance and then we went through this new trust document to agree the wording required. This trust is providing the way of settling the key items for our family estate such that it may be given to one beneficiary to keep the estate together.
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