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A quietish Sunday that started with a fine breakfast but then continued with a tricky visit from Tony and Teresa Carmedy where I sought their discretion until after Wednesday. Then to visit Dad's grave at the cemetery for some peaceful thought.
This evening, a few phone calls to make and receive so as to plan before meeting the other political group leaders in the morning and one received from Steve Bloom for the first time in ages.
It was still warm and sunny today and I had a bit of a quiet time between tasks. A little lay in and then I found Diana in bed with me and so we stayed together a while before breakfast. I was showered, shaved and dressed by the time breakfast was ready and also managed to wash my hair as it was itchy after I got it cut yesterday. A nice meal that Diana had cooked, and we all enjoyed it although poor Della seems to be sickening for something. After the meal, I tended the conservatory fish and doves outside and enjoyed a little time out there as it was so still and warm. Then to the swimming pool which I gave a good vacuum to as I had the chance. I was just finishing this off when Tony and Teresa Carmedy came round to see me after I was trying to get hold of him yesterday.
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Leading the successful Political Manoeuvring over the committee places on the Huntingdonshire District and St Neots Town Council, sorting out the former and helping Sally and Michael with the latter. A particular problem with one of our elected members, Tony Carmedy, who revealed a criminal record which would disqualify him from office and so I proposed a deal with the unaware Tories which would not need a vote yet would get Michael Pope as Mayor regardless. Another nice sunny day and I wish I could have done more work and got nearer my boat than be running round after everyone
I had heard from Jim Lomax, the District Council Labour leader, who was now back from holiday and we had discussed the tactics for allocating the opposition committee and working party seats on the District Council. I will be pressing Derek Holley for larger committees and working parties so that the political minorities can both have a seat on the more important of them but, if not, we have roughly agreed a satisfactory division of them, now we both have equal group numbers. We are still keen on working together as a combined opposition to the vastly numerically superior Tory majority party despite their best attempts to divide us. Whilst still dozing in bed with my morning tea, Sally Guinee called having had some difficulty in putting together the structure of the Town Council committees ahead of this afternoon's meeting of Sally and Michael with the Tories.
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More work on my personal finances before joining the Little Paxton Bird Walk to hear the nightingales as well as many other species and then home in time to drive off to dinner with Nigel and Lynne Smith in The Sun bistro in Kimbolton. We consumed three bottles of wine between us for which I paid and let Nigel settle the meal.
Today went very quickly, as I continued working on my financial affairs and also on updating my bank accounts. I obtained the latest interest rates for all of the building society savings accounts and actioned and filed away many more papers. I hoped never to get into the same state again and to keep my affairs under control. I worked through this afternoon and then, after tea, Diana and I took Della over to Paxton Pits whilst Debbie was in Staughton, horse-riding. The event was one of the popular Little Paxton bird walks, which is run under the supervision and help of the RSPB and Little Paxton School Association at a time when the first Spring migrants have arrived.
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The morning and most of the afternoon on a much warmer and sunnier day catching up on my finances and then some Dentistry and Mayor-making orchestrating a potential deal with the Tories to outflank Labour’s Daisy Seager who seems unwilling to cooperate. John Major defends his National Health reforms and agrees to meet the B.M.A.
I was due to spend the day at home, working on my paperwork and I managed to do so for the most part, sorting out all of my papers and then updating my bank and building society accounts. I had a couple of month's bank reconciliations to do, and this took some effort before I finally completed as much as I could. I continued to work both sides of lunchtime, as the time ticked by and I eventually gave up in mid-afternoon, when it was time to go over to a dentist's appointment in Kimbolton with Diana and Della. Debbie was due to go with us but was off by coach today for a school history project. I had a clean bill of health from Dr Osborne but, after seeing Della's new teeth, he gave us advance warning that she would benefit from cosmetic surgery to cure a "large over-bite" and then braces to keep her teeth straight for a while. I picked up the local papers whilst I was out and then got Diana to drop me off in St Neots on the way back.
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