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A trip East Coast Boat Show near Ipswich with Steven and Christine as a passenger so that I could prepare for my meeting with Derek Giles & Ross McKay later, when I made a plea to the latter to join us back on the Town Council in place of Tony Carmedy.
I had been contacted a few days ago and invited to join a couple of friends for a trip to the East Coast Boat Show near Ipswich and today was the day. Although I had been very busy recently, I decided to accept because I needed the change and cannot keep on working on a continuous basis. I was awake early today and making and receiving many telephone calls before Steven and Christine arrived for me. I took my transportable cellular telephone in their car with me and finished off my calls so that I could concentrate on the trip. The calls were to agree to arrange a meeting with Ross McKay for this evening at Derek Giles' house and to get agreement from my political colleagues that this would be a good idea.
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After a District Council Lunch, we enjoyed successful Annual Meetings of District and Town Councils with all of my choreographed arrangements going to plan. After all this, I announced that "Tony Carmedy had unforeseen personal problems that would make it difficult if not impossible to serve as a councillor" and sought their views on the selection of Ross McKay to replace him for which there were mixed views that became more positive later.
Awoke very early today with the noisy peacock in attendance. Romped with Diana for a while with mixed results and then got up and inspected the ant-poison phials that we had set out last night. They take this food back to their nests to feed the queen and young and, last night, we were attacking the populations in my office and in the conservatory. To my office after breakfast to have a good clear-up as I had been getting upset at the general muddle after the election. Then to update this last couple of days' journal at length as they have been quite eventful. Telephoned a few other politicians to check on the arrangements for today's meetings and tried to create an opportunity before the District Council Meeting for our new members to meet other members of the opposition.
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Servicing the many and varied needs of the aftermath of the election campaign after taking Di for our customary visit to see her parents in Cambridge for coffee. Then more Meetings and Mayor-making, coordinating the Tory and LibDem efforts to organise the Town Council and then taking over the Chair of the first meeting of the new Village Hall Committee
Today, I continued the struggle to try and catch up my work whilst servicing the many and varied needs of the aftermath of the election campaign. Some little time trying to update my journal before breakfast and then away to Cambridge with Diana for our regular Tuesday morning visit. We parked in the Round Church car park as usual and walked to Eadon Lilley's coffee shop to have morning drinks with Di's parents. They were surprised to see us for a second week running as I bought them both coffee and a scone to share.
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Political Manoeuvring to resolve our St Neots Town Councillor problem, then much more plain sailing to agree the District Council representations and finally to see how well the Little Paxton Guides had portrayed the Village history after my recent talk to them. I had every pleasure in judging them fit for the award of their Heritage badges.
After the restful peace of yesterday, today saw us back at the heart of the local election aftermath. First, I was rather late to get up and dressed, but then I tended the conservatory fish and plants before getting ready for my meeting in Huntingdon. I drove to Pathfinder House and joined the meeting of political group leaders in the Chief Executive, Tony Gee's office. Derek Holley was representing the Conservative Group who are in a vast majority and Jim Lomax was representing Labour, who have five seats like the Liberal Democrats. We quickly agreed the disposition of standing committee places and then tackled the question of sub-committees, panels and working parties. I made a plea for less of them being classified as working parties or, if they remain so, then a further plea that the important ones be made large enough so that they can be representative (i.e. have Liberal Democrats on them).
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