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Settling up with Mr Larkin for the river work, negotiating with the Labour Party to support us in the St Neots Town Council Mayor making under the veiled threat of ceasing to give them a free run Eynesbury of we fell out over it as we still make the running on press publicity.
I had a call last night from Mr Larkin, who felt that he had finished and was going to move his work-boat off of the moorings this morning. I was tired but awoken early due to the loud cry of the visiting peacock and this started a day in which I felt groggy throughout. Out to see Mr Larkin after breakfast and I agreed that the work was satisfactory and paid him the £1500 by cheque on the spot. Then a chat with the gardener before going into work. I had tended the swimming pool yesterday and it was still clear this morning and so I could get on.
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A hard day of difficult but productive meetings, succeeding in laying the groundwork for arranging our LibDem representation on the District Council, supporting and advising our LibDem team in tricky negotiations for the St Neots Town Council Mayor making and then trying to save On-Site Training with its franchisees. All this whilst also designing invites for "Debbie's Swimming and Roller-Skating Birthday Party"
I had a very hard day of difficult meetings today and coped with then all rather well in the end. The day started with a fairly early start as I was going to do some work before breakfast. Then Diana gave me the instructions for sending out the invitations for "Debbie's Swimming and Roller-Skating Birthday Party" which were a bit worrying in view of the need to book days in peoples' diaries. I therefore decided to set out some small slips and ran off around fifty of them so that Debbie could take them into school and hand them round to her friends in advance of us sending out the formal invitations. All this finished with, Diana reminded me that we were going into Cambridge together but first I had another couple of problems to deal with. The gardener was having difficulty back-flushing the sand filter for the pond and then I had to discuss various things with him and also Larkin, the marine engineer, who was making a sump cover and some new flood moorings.
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Catching up and getting back to normal after the election, clearing out the swimming pool and updating my journal as Sally came round to photocopy thank you letters for all of our helpers
It was a Bank Holiday today and a chance to catch up on some work without meetings and other commitments. I spent this morning doing some chores and then clearing out the swimming pool which had been rather deserted recently. There was quite an accumulation of debris in there, the level had got quite low, and the filters needed a good clearing out. The weather was so cold again today such that I could honestly say that I was not missing the boat too much but there is milder and wetter weather forecast for soon. I spent most of the day in my office catching up on the last week's journal. The final exigencies of the election campaign had taken its toll and there was no way that I could attend to my journal on a day-to-day basis. Once I am up to date, I always feel the better for it. Sally came round this afternoon and photocopied the invitation, and thank-you letters to all of our election helpers who had worked so hard in the campaign. They are being invited to a barbecue at Keith Seiler's house in Offord on Saturday 18th May.

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Planning the running of St Neots Town Council, mayor-making of Michael, agreeing policies and allocating responsibilities and also planning committee places for the District Council as well. US President Bush has had a heart attack and is in hospital with irregular heartbeats.
There had been a lot of discussion over the telephone about how to progress matters on the newly-formed Town Council. Already, there were councillors feeling their way over the new relationships and, after my campaign to oust "The Lady from Great Paxton" for living outside the ward and controlling events they were keen that I should not be too closely involved. In the end, however, we all met (Town councillors plus me and Percy) at Derek's house at 4.00pm and laid our plans. I had been doing some more clearing up in the morning and had also looked into the allocations of District Council seats for a group of five. I was therefore able to agree the disbursements of committee places and spokesmanship’s for the District team before the main discussion got under way about the Town.
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