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A day spent tidying and cleaning Heronshaw and the Paxton Princess, inside and out, together with the surrounding space all after recent work, tackling the problem of connecting the autopilot to the Navstar navigator and plotter and buying a set of Addis plastic bowls, buckets and accessories for Heronshaw. Also refitting all of the cabinets and panels removed in the Paxton Princess for the engineers to do their work lately.
The Heronshaw bed was comfortable, and I slept well enough, waking at about 7.00am. Rather a slow routine this morning as I got up and made my morning tea and then ate a bowl of cereal and a couple of slices of toast. I took a bath and that also slowed me down somewhat until I got dressed and washed up, ready to start work. I opted to do a couple of hours physical work, moving all of the building blocks behind the shed and clearing up the gravel drive as best as I could. There was a lot of rubbish that I had left when last here and I felt that the place had to be tidied up a bit. I repaired the catch for the double gates after a fashion, and then opened up the pathway from in front of the garage where I will enter Heronshaw and park the car from now on. All this took a couple of hours after which I got myself a cup of coffee and made out my list of important telephone calls to make whilst I went shopping.
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On a day that was slightly cooler but still warm with bright sunshine the calling peacock also helped me get going to have breakfast with the family before preparing my new savings plans and financial planning transactions.
After visiting Dad’s grave at Paxton cemetery and refreshing the flowers, I loaded the Range Rover and set off for Norfolk, stopping to visit Mum and hear of news of her and Freda. In Horning, I found the bungalow and boat rather dirty untidy after Daniel had visited with his friends, which took me until bedtime to clear up.
I was awake very early again this morning with the bright sunshine, the open French windows and the cock peacock all contributing to this awakening. I rolled over to see Diana, but she shot out of bed to get the morning drinks! I had a headache this morning that lasted most of the day, but I avoided taking any tablets at first. Up, showered and dressed and then down to see Diana but she was still grumpy; this time over the fact that the urinal kept flooding in the pool room when we were both using the showers up and downstairs. Breakfast with Debbie and Della, who were both in reasonably good humour for once, and then I gave Della her normal piggy-back into the lounge after which we fed the fish. I was working in my office from an early hour this morning, making up my transactions for the post office and building society.
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A busy day organising meeting dates and the branch AGM and the sharing of my time between Town and District matters before finalising the Ros McKay press statement.
Then I arranged for the matter of the Gravel Pit Road to be put on the agenda for the next Parish Council meeting and for an HDC Planning Officer to attend before finally starting on my overdue accounts
I went to bed a bit earlier with Diana last night and then slept well, waking up after 7.00am this morning. Another sunny and warm day for which I dressed in shorts and a T-shirt to keep cool as I was not intending to meet anyone. A little late down to breakfast and then spent some time on the conservatory and plants which are still the subject of an aphid attack. To my desk after making a list of all of the outstanding things I had to resolve with my colleagues and then I sat and telephoned them in turn to get things resolved. In particular, I was needing to organise our Diary Dates and means of resolving communication and organisation needs with their being groups on both of the Town and District Councils now. There was also the question of the final arrangements of the replacement of Tony Carmedy by Ross McKay.
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To Cambridge on a very close and warm day, buying a tennis net and posts and having a family coffee before meeting Sue Sutton and Murray White at Glisson Road until lunch at The Copper Kettle and home to chair another joint meeting of the Parish Council and Village Hall Committee to agree the design for an extension to the village hall.
In India, Rajiv Ghandi, leader of the Congress party was assassinated just like his mother, Indhira, had been.
I was awake quite early after another late night and I had a rather sore and stiff shoulder which I must have got whilst laying in an awkward position. Busied myself before breakfast tending the swimming pool and fish pond, clearing out the filter basket of the latter so as to restore a reasonable flow after it had become clogged. I was ready to go to Cambridge with Diana by 9.00am and so we could leave quite early in in order to do so. I sat in the passenger seat and worked as Diana drove and this allowed me to get through some more of my paper-work backlog and reading material. Once in Cambridge, I combined social and political activities by first taking coffee with Diana and her parents before then doing some shopping with her to find a lawn tennis net and posts to install on our games lawn for erection soon. Finally, I met Sue Sutton and Murray White at Glisson Road to discuss our campaigning and organisational policy for the next year or so.
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