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Completing the boarding of the Harnser boatshed walk-ways and starting to fabricate the platform/veranda outside the front door, linking it also to the boathouse.
The rain held off today (despite an overnight shower and some rumbling thunder) yet there was terrible flooding, rain and hailstorms in Essex and Suffolk which actually killed some seagulls off the coast!
From dawn to dusk today, I was erecting walk-ways and boarding them and was quite pleased with the result. Up soon after 6.00am this morning but strange to see how dull the light was so that I could hardly see. Out working by 7.00am but spent the first hour just cutting timber and left my hammering until after 8.00am. I first had to finish boarding in the angles on the interior sections and then to fabricate a step for the back door so as to make it easier to get in and out of the boathouse. Then some time trying to figure out how to ram home the posts and form a platform/verandah outside the front door, linking it also to the boathouse.
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Continuing to work hard on the boatshed staging as I coped with a steady stream of visitors, but I just about managed to finish fabricating the walkway.
The government reduced interest rates by two points again and, after four changes in 24 hours, we are back where we started again but Sterling is floating and ends up with a devaluation of more than 10%.
I was still asleep at 8.00am this morning when I received a telephone call and awoke with a start. This was the latest I had slept for a long time which just went to show how tired I had become. The call was from the electrician who had received my message that the "missing" wire had been found under the boat-shed. He will schedule some time and come over next week during daylight. Breakfast and then a shave before getting dressed and starting work. The pile of wood cladding was still drying and so I turned my mind to the staging around the entrances. After some planning, I decided to tackle the removable walkway inside the boatshed itself.
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Black Wednesday – I return to Norfolk and store another 500 metres of cladding, as the UK Government fights an economic crisis
I was up with the rest of the family and intending to go back to Heronshaw to do some more work for a few days after completing my National Savings transactions. I sent Diana to the post office to get some Investment Account withdrawal forms but, poor thing, she had to go three times to get them having first got deposit forms and then Ordinary Account withdrawal forms! I applied for the latest issue for Diana and I both with new money and by re-investing matured issues and then got all the forms ready for doing something similar for the childrens' trusts; where they have to go for signature to the two trustees in turn.
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The Brickwoods family visit as Daniel and Angela leave for France
A sound night's sleep and awoke still tired and wanting more. Then breakfast with the girls before settling down to my administration. All day I worked at this; archiving the last of this summer's journal, paying all manner of bills, writing to Freda and Mum after researching the Redgrave deeds but, by the end of the day, I had still to do some work on the family's National Savings investments but had to go to sleep. This evening, we had a visit from not only Daniel and Angela, but also Angela's parents, David and Jo Brickwood who were picking them up on their way to taking Angela to France. She is due to stay in Rouen for a study tour and the idea is that her parents and boyfriend were going to settle her in. We got on quite well with them, but I think that they would become quite tedious with time.