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Di visits Harnser as I finish off installing the masterboard wall lining and the electrics are completed I treated Di to a drink and meal of roast chicken at The New Inn.
I then took her to Norwich to see the latest Clint Eastwood film which I enjoyed but she found rather too violent
There was a huge deluge of rain this morning as a thunderstorm passed through and so, although I was up very early, I had to wait before going out. My task today was to start on fixing the remaining Masterboarding, which lined the walls. There was all shapes and sizes of off-cuts in the pile and so I proceeded by cutting the scraps into sections suitable for filling the eaves and then using the larger pieces to actually board the remaining areas in the kitchen and living room. Quite tiring and dry work and so I rested a while at lunchtime, and it was then that Ray returned to finish off the electrics.
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After making a slow start to the day, electrician Ray Lond-Caulk returned to sort out wiring faults after which I completed constructing the veranda. I heard from Diana this evening and she intends to come and stay overnight tomorrow which will make a change.
The weather was dull all day and threatening to rain but it was only this evening that it did
I had been tired last night and was slow to get going this morning when I was surprised at 8.05am to find that Ray Lond-Caulk had arrived to tackle the wiring errors. I helped him get under the new boat-house accommodation where he found the lost wires and then, as I drilled and pulled from above, and he pushed up from below, we managed to get the wires in the correct position for him to connect. He then sorted out the cross-wired kitchen and outside lights but ran out of time to fix the boat-house lights and will still have to come back later in the week.
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Catching up with Diana after time away and joining the family for breakfast and servicing the pond and swimming pool before enjoying a nice lunch of roast chicken with home-made apple pie and ice cream to follow . Some shopping and chores and then returning to Norfolk as the French decide on Maastricht
I had upset Diana last night by going to bed and leaving her in the lounge, but I made amends this morning by bringing her up a cup of morning coffee. Then an hour in bed with her before I got up, dressed, and joined the family for a breakfast of melon and croissants. I still think of the fine English breakfasts we used to have on Sundays but concede that the present diet is healthier and less fattening. Out to do some chores this morning as I first fed the doves and fish, backflushed the pond filter and then turned my attention to the swimming pool. I spent some time sweeping the pool surround and then vacuuming the leaves and other debris from the bottom.
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After a day of sawing and hammering to board much of the veranda, it was time to return home to see Daniel and the rest of the family, who I treated to a meal out at The Little Chef.
Then to Bedford with Di to look at Texas Homecare and then to the cinema to see a funny Goldie Hawn film called "House-sitters" which we both enjoyed.
I was awake early this morning, and it seemed brighter than yesterday. I was all aches and pains after my physical work, but I soon loosened up as I ate an accustomed breakfast of wheat flakes. I was out and working from 7.15am onwards but I concentrated on sawing up the planking into suitable lengths and did not start hammering until after 8.00am. A few hours of hectic work during which I boarded the entire veranda and worked out what needed to be done next. However, it soon became apparent that I was not going to finish it this morning and so I broke off in mid-morning, packed things up and then set off for home, stopping off at the library as I drove through Wroxham to take back yet another of Debbie's books.
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