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The last day but one putting locks on both front and back doors and joining the other three working on the new cupboards for the upper accommodation. Then working in the kitchen and managing to get up the first three wall units.
It was a really beautiful Broadland September day with the sun shining for much of it. With less tourists and boats, this is a nice time of year.
Steven called me early today and I joined him across at the new boat-house as he re-stacked the internal wall cladding for the rest of it to be put up today. I spent the morning putting locks on both front and back doors and then, after picking up some insulation from Jewsons at lunchtime, I joined the other three working on the new cupboards for the upper accommodation. Dave was frosty towards me today but he got on with the work rather quicker than of late and so I do not regret the Ian Masters Incident.
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A difficult day with David as Ian Masters, called by with his plans as if by arrangement to see him to discuss his project and I had to approach them after 20 mins and politely ask them to return to work. Ian understood and Dave took offence. We also found a serious wiring fault and had to get Ray Lond-Caulk back to work late before we could come in to relax and eat our tea.
With the building work scheduled to be finished and the last few days' scramble to get things done, I was finding things altogether too much. I was up early and running about after everyone again, ending up measuring and estimating for the final batch of materials. I had just about finished this when I had a bit of a difficulty with my main workman. His next client, Ian Masters, called by with his plans as if by arrangement to discuss his project and the aggravation for me was that he took time out with the other workmen waiting and me paying for his time!
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The biggest event of this day, which was bright and sunny for once, was the arrival of the Eastern Electricity installation engineer who connected up our meters and electrical circuits as we also we fitted all of the newly-delivered Cellotex ceiling insulation, lining one of the dormers. I celebrated by taking Steve out for a meal this evening at Mr Chan's Chinese Restaurant and we really enjoyed a super meal.
A good day's work and one that led to a real improvement in the progress of the new Harnser boat-house. I started the day working at my desk and sorting out the Jewsons invoices and fully intended to go in and progress the supply of materials with them but then their Transit lorry arrived and delivered the 50mm Cellotex that I was waiting for and so I opted to work with the others instead. I chivvied them up and ensured that, during the day, we fitted all of the ceiling insulation, lined one of the dormers and made a start on the other to finish it early tomorrow. Dave finished the fitting of the stable door and then got on with the stairs after I diverted him from fitting the locks.
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Finishing off the interior studwork and boarding to enclose the stairs and kitchen whilst also fitting the external doors. Then buying buy locks, bolts and door furniture from the DIY stores in Norwich and assembling a couple of kitchen wall units.
Today started showery but soon warmed up with sunny spells but the nights are quite chilly now.
The work started as usual this morning and first David and Alan finished off the stud-work and boarding, isolating the kitchen from the hall and stairs. David then moved on to the doors, successfully hanging the rear and store-room doors but only managing to start fitting the front door. At least he also lined the meter box so that the electricity board should be willing to supply and connect a meter and power tomorrow.
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