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To St Neots haircut, coffee in St Neots with the family, reviewing the various interest rates and a hair cut before to Hail Weston to see Nigel to plan our forthcoming Caithness trip and home for some journal archiving. We have four baby doves in the wall-cote at the moment,
I had a great deal of trouble getting to sleep last night, finding the room far too warm, the bed hard and the blankets too heavy. In truth, I am probably getting too used to the Heronshaw bed having spent so much time there. Just down in time to see the girls go off to school and then I split the chores with Diana before accompanying her on a morning's trip to St Neots. Coffee in Brackenbury's and then, whilst Diana shopped in Waitrose, I went and got my haircut (an expensive £6.50 plus 50p tip compared with £3 at Stalham!) and then picked up the interest rates from the Post Office and Building Societies prior to doing some financial fine-tuning.
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Visiting Dad's grave and Diana's bed on a still and chiller day on a less productive day spending rather too long watching TV, but did manage to start my journal archive for the month of July.
We all intended to go to Little Paxton Cemetery to put some "everlasting" flowers on Dad's grave this morning but it poured with rain all day and it was the evening before it was fine enough to go. Diana and the girls were busy by then and so I went on my own. The wind had dropped, and I walked around the graveyard and thought my thoughts until the sun started to go down and the air got chilly. It is very peaceful there with no wind, but it will be better when the trees and shrubs mature. I resolved to try and help both Mum and Freda to visit there this year.
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A visit home via Redgrave to spend several hours with Mum, Freda and Alf both together and apart. Mum was recovering but being cantankerous and Freda too-easily provoked by her remarks about Alf, in particular.
Eventually home to find Debbie changing after using the swimming pool and both her and Della pleased to see me and I tried to spend some time with each of them this evening.
I was awake at 7.00am but then it took me a very long time to get ready to go home after a summer in Norfolk. My plan was to drive early to Paxton and I telephoned Diana accordingly but then she told me of another letter from Mum. Mum sounded depressed and unhappy with Freda and her condition and so I decided that I needed to make a visit to them both at Redgrave today. As Mum does not get up until late this left me time to go into Wroxham to collect the latest photographs and then also collect the rest of the security components that I needed from Norwich on the way through. I was a little sad to be leaving Horning on another beautiful Norfolk autumn morning with the sun and mild weather too good to leave behind.
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The last day supervising the building team, finishing off, insulating and lining the long storage cupboards, and tidying the site after paying the workers a bonus.
To bed very late (at nearly 1.00am) glad to have put the continuous and formal period of employing builders behind me and looking forward to going home for a few days.
It was a fine day for the last day of the 11th and final week for which I employed the Heronshaw building team. I was out with Dave and Steve and we got straight down to finishing off the long storage cupboards, giving them a double skin of Masterboard and a 100mm insulation layer of mineral wool. This took us most of the day and then, to finish off, I got David to form the larder/cupboard and then to use his large skill saw to rip down the door linings to the right size. I gave both him and Steve a bonus for the end of the job and left myself the option of getting any or all of them back to finish off the large number of small jobs that are left when a house is being built.
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