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Della came with me to see Mum laid out in Stanton with Freda and Alf at Redgrave where I collected her will and papers and then started her funeral arrangements for St James Church in Paxton. A restful and reflective evening to follow.
I was awake until around 1.30am thinking of Mum and Dad and all of the arrangements that we had to put in train. This time, 105 Stanton Grove Park has to be disposed of and the belongings broken up. I woke up around 7.30am and met Diana coming up with a mug of tea for me and we had another chat in the kitchen before the girls stirred. Out to feed and walk the dog and then breakfast with the family before gathering my things up for the trip to Redgrave and then home. Della decided she wanted to come with me and, despite Diana's misgivings, I took her.
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We hear the news of my Mum dying in Freda’s arms at Redgrave after I spend the day with my family in Norfolk building Sam’s new run.
Mum was a very difficult person but was very human; with sun and rain the natural cycle of her personality, but she was always fun and good company for the children
Though Mum had been in a declining state for some time and had been poor recently with an infection, her death still came as a shock and surprise. The day therefore started with no particular thoughts of her other than some outline intentions to arrange to call later tomorrow on our way back to Paxton. Poor Diana hardly slept a wink overnight, but her worry was that her cough would disturb the rest of us. We all got ready and I took Sam on a long walk to Horning to read the EDP to read over breakfast.
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After feeding and walking Sam earlier in the morning, to Norfolk with Nigel and to buy my Remington .243 and Brno .22. firearms.
The settling into Harnser and relaxing in Norfolk after shopping and dealing with financial issues. We got the film "Howards End" on a video to watch this evening; impressed by Emma Thompson's Oscar recently
Diana called me at 6.30am and I reluctantly got ready and out to feed and walk the dog. I had my own breakfast first and then trudged out. Once Sam had obliged with both ends of his digestive system, I cleared out and disinfected his kennel before packing up my bag and getting ready to leave. I had a call from Nigel last night to say he would call for me (he is still keeping Lynn in the dark about his movements) but was still late arriving. We still got to the gun dealer near Diss early and had time for a mug of tea and bacon sandwich at my favourite road-side kiosk to boot. I liked this gun-dealer and later, upon comparing his prices with Uttings in Norwich, concluded that his rifles were cheaper and so I phoned to order two; a Remington .243 and Brno .22.
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Catching up with my journal whilst recovering from the jet lag from our holiday as the girls were having fun with friends until Debbie had to see the dentist.
I woke myself at 7.30am this morning but my body was still achy and leaden with the remaining effects of my jet-lag from which I had yet to fully recover. A long walk with the dog after which the others had finished their breakfast by the time I had returned for some croissants. Della had stayed away at her friend Katie Morris's house last night but arrived as I ate and had easily survived the experience. I checked the pool and then sat in the lounge and had my coffee whilst getting Debbie to help Della and Katie build a house out of Quadro building tubes. There were many girl visitors today but at least the children are appreciating our house and gardens at The Hayling View.
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