Strimming at Ropes Hill Dyke until my arms were numb with vibration
Strimming at Ropes Hill Dyke until my arms were numb with vibration

Spending the day taking the Ford Escort to Bar Hill and then driving to Horning and back.

Taking breakfast and walking Sam at the Thetford five-way roundabout and then strimming at Ropes Hill Dyke until my arms were numb with vibration.

Back home, much talk and activity about Wiggly’s election campaign

Rain greeted us as we got up especially early to travel and spend the day in Norfolk but it did not put us off. A short walk for Sam whilst Diana took the Ford Escort to Bar Hill and then I drove over to pick her up so that we could go on our way.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

It was the Thetford five-way roundabout before we stopped to feed Sam and give him a run and then we went over to the Little Chef to have some breakfast ourselves. The rest of the journey went well and we were in Ropes Hill Dyke by 10.00am.

It was still spitting with rain then but it was so mild that it was not too wetting and so we set about the task of tackling the garden. I assembled the new mower and got Diana cutting the grass whilst I used the strimmer to first trim down the dog run and then the lawn edges.

I finished off the tank of strimmer fuel by walking along the road and cutting down some of the roadside vegetation along by Mr Howlett's plot. I had intended to do some more but found both of my forearms completely worn out by the effort of holding the vibrating strimmer.

In fact, my muscles were so affected that I could barely eat my lunch at the Horning Tea Shoppe in consequence! A rest at Harnser for a while and then we packed and loaded up the car for the journey home. To avoid the rush-hour traffic, we stopped off in Norwich, did some shopping and then had a nice tea at "The Waffle place" which we thoroughly enjoyed.

Sam stayed quiet for the journey home and so I waited until then to feed him and put him to sleep. Several telephone messages and calls to return. John Roscoe had produced copy for a first leaflet and faxed it to me and Wiggly had been calling me to apologise and get back to work on the campaign.

I spoke to her later and explained our latest leaflet strategy and she told me of Percy's nomination of Rob Williams as Branch Chairman and his wife Frances as Membership Secretary. It seems that Ross had also been speaking to Wiggly this evening at length and he is not for backing off from a confrontation and will go screaming rather than quietly. It was the year's longest day today, but the cloudy gloom morning and evening curtailed it and the weather was far from being summary.