Della helped her to clean Granddad's car for her Brownies badge
Della helped her to clean Granddad's car for her Brownies badge

A cold and dull day for campaigning as canvassing for the Hemingford & Hilton election campaign goes well.

I took Sam for two walks and the whole day was quite exhausting as a result.

Diana cleared out Daniel's bedroom as he had failed to and Della helped her to clean Granddad's car for her Brownies badge

Following our delivery of the election address on Saturday afternoon, we had more of a day off yesterday but the St Ives activists were meeting co-operatively last night composing their "Thank You" Focus copy.

**"Read More" BELOW for the complete story**

This bodes well for my project of using the by-election to get them to work together harmoniously. We started canvassing today with two sessions; morning and afternoon and first concentrated on the council estates and other places where postal and proxy votes may be needed in the forthcoming elections. We had expected these areas to be quite supportive but were unprepared for the warmth of the reaction.

The Tories really are unpopular at the moment. I combined this with taking Sam for two walks and the whole day was quite exhausting as a result. Diana cleared out Daniel's bedroom as he had failed to and Della helped her to clean Granddad's car for her Brownies badge. It was a cold and dull day but dry at least for my doorstep activities.