Wiggly was quiet and upset again and I was doubting her value as a fun girlfriend
Wiggly was quiet and upset again and I was doubting her value as a fun girlfriend

Morning shooting with Sam in the mist and fog and then Back home via St Neots where I bought a bunch of flowers each for Wiggly and Diana. Spending some time with Wiggly on her 24th birthday as she was stressed with ptoblems.

More mist and fog overnight and it refused to clear. I had decided to go out early and have a go at the geese opposite if they showed up but, what with the fog and cold, I laid in instead as they would not be flying in that visibility.

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In fact, the fog persisted all morning and, even though I did go over there and set up some decoys, there was no sign or sound of any geese. At least I shot two roosting pigeons and the duck that was with the mallard I got the other day.

I guessed it was her, because she was hiding and unable to fly and I must have pricked her the other day. She took several shots and a lot of activity from Sam before we got her ashore as she kept hiding and diving.

Back home via St Neots where I bought a bunch of flowers each for Wiggly and Diana. I popped over to Eynesbury with one bunch but, although Wiggly was pleased to see me and happy for a while, she got all thoughtful again and I fear that our relationship is getting too serious and not enough fun any more as she seems to have trouble trying to cope.

This time, she was upset over her gas cooker oven failing again so that she could not cook her marrow and then at having fouled up on trying to re-tax her new car and running past the expiry date.

Met up with the family for lunch in The Little Chef and then came back to hang around the house in the afternoon, following Norwich City's draw on the TV and radio. Tea and then ready to go out with Wiggly for the evening, wondering whether this would be the last time as I am having mixed feelings about my abilities as a stud and hers as a fun girlfriend who does not be too serious.

I called ahead and arrived quite early at 7.00pm and found her friendly but rather quiet and thoughtful. I went through her compact disks and chose some to load into my auto-changer cassette and take out for the evening whilst she finished getting ready.

I persuaded her to come out and took her to the Whittlesford eating place where we talked a lot and enjoyed smoked salmon salads and a bottle of wine. Affectionate in the car afterwards and then we made love once back at her place.

Whilst she sat back on her favourite chair, I took off her open-fronted long denim dress by unbuttoning it completely but then left her lingerie intact and just slid her panty crotch to one side and satisfied myself as she wriggled, squirmed and squeezed my testicles.

I found her stockings and suspenders very erotic. Upstairs and, stripping her naked, I got in bed with her and, trying to get her to climax on her birthday, massaged her clitoris for ages but I ran out of time after midnight and had to make my excuses and leave.

She was quiet and upset again as a result to make a rather unsatisfactory end to the evening. My alibi for this evening was that I had another snooker evening with Nigel.